Listening to: Die Another Day - Madonna/Esther
Feeling: content
I had a great time last night.
No, I didn’t get laid. No, I didn’t even make out with anyone. I didn’t drink. Didn’t smoke. Nothing of the sort.
Work yesterday started out stressful. We were having callbacks about a festival in Tell City, on top of coverage at a David Ball concert in Indiana … somewhere … that I’ve never been. On top of that, I had a client calling in wanting to cancel a commercial … every five minutes – and the coverage of the little league game and – work was stressful. I’ve never had a more stressful day at the station. And that client about the commercial! UGH! Kept calling asking for one of the sales people’s phone numbers and I’m not allowed to give those out, so I kept telling them that the second I had free moment, I would give her a call and tell her to call them and … UGH! They just kept calling, saying it was very important that they cancel it, and that they were going to come down to the station – and I had to assure them that since I was the only person at the station at the time, them coming down to fix whatever problem they had, wouldn’t have done a damned bit of good.
God, some people are stupid. But anyway, they didn’t come down, because I did get a hold of the lady and she called them and the whole thing was just ludicrous. The commercial they didn’t want to run wasn’t even scheduled in the computer. Not my problem. There wasn’t ANYTHING in there for them – and there really wouldn’t have been anything that I could have done to fix it. Damn. Some people are so thick.
Oh, and my dear readers, it will do you some GOOD to remember that, if you ever do advertise with someone, DON’T LOSE THE FUCKING NUMBER OF YOUR SALES REP!!!
Thank you.
On to my great time last night.
After work, I went out with Meredith and Brent to the Tumbleweed restaurant and bothered Matt … who only had three tables, but he seemed to spend a lot of time with us. Even sat down in the booth next to me quite a few times … you know, since he knew me and only had three tables to wait on and everyone was doing spiffily. I hadn’t eaten there since high school, so the place looked completely different and had different menus and – yeah, it was different. So when I said I wanted cheese enchiladas, and he asked me what sauce I wanted with it … I was kind of stunned, because apparently there’s, like, five sauces you can have put on them. And … well, I told him to surprise me. He asked me if I liked sour cream, I said I did. And I had the best enchiladas I’d ever had in my entire life, my friends. I highly recommend it. And when I ordered cheesecake for dessert, he asked what sore of topping I wanted on it, and I told him again to surprise me … and, well, he did. I got chocolate. Mm. Chocolate. He was good. Very good. But damn, that cheesecake was almost as tall as ME!
I offered to have him sit and eat with us, and for a minute there, it looked like he just might, but he couldn’t because he was still working and had tables and whatnot. Oh well. He told me he was coming out to the Boiler Room to see the band around midnight – because Tumbleweed doesn’t close until 11:30. So then, Meredith, Brent, and I all departed with happy faces and full tummies, and met up with Spiff at the mall, where she was checking out these really, REALLY hot pants at Hot Topic. She looked GOOD in them. I’m so jealous of Patrick.
Anyway, while I was there, in Hot Topic, I got myself a rather handsome goth-ish shirt. Well, Meredith thought I looked good in it. Said she’d fuck me if she didn’t have a boyfriend already that she rather enjoyed fucking. (Brent.) And Brent was like “hey, you could invite him to our next rendezvous. He can join in.â€
Yeah, Brent’s just that way.
Meredith likes my hair and played with it while we were in the mall and Brent went off to play games in the arcade. She put it up in about twelve small ponytails. I was shocked when I went to see in the mirror – not to mention my scalp was pulsating due to the tightness. I should have got a picture, but in any case, I thought I looked like I belonged in Rasmus or something.
A Murderdolls video.
Jeex, I was so goth.
From there, we go to the Boiler Room where Spiff got to introduce her mother (and mother’s friends) to the members of the band. And there was this creepy guy there in a tuxedo that was loaded, but looked rather wasted … one too many Xanex, I thought. Brent left after the first set because, well, he had to poop. He went home to play videogames. The loser!
Between sets, Spiff and I kicked it up with some dancing – and it was rather amusing to see Spiff giving Meredith a lap dance (after her mother had left). Matt showed up around midnight, just as he said he would, and we got a kick out of watching creepy Tuxedo man humping the stage and tiki poles in his slow, zoned-out, creepy way.
We had a good time dancing. Meredith said she thought it was so wrong seeing a guy like me – in gothic glory – dancing to “Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy.†Even Lauren was dancing with me on that one! And she despises that song. When they got back on stage, Randy announced over the PA, “Hey! Lauren’s favorite song! See? Even she’s dancing to it!†And she just shook her head at him and stepped up to her mic, saying, “Hey. What can I say? He’s an infectious dancer.â€
Never said I was good. Just infectious.
After the show, we broke down, and packed up – Matt helped!
YAY! John was stoked they had a new roadie. “And this is how it starts,†Spiff commented – because that’s exactly how she started out with the band – coming to a show, falling in love with the group, becoming a roadie and groupie, and then ultimately light technician … where she makes money now … and a good deal of it. Damn, if I got paid $80 for seven hours worth of pushing buttons and having a great time, I’d be ecstatic, too.
Matt bought a tee-shirt from me. Pretty grey one, which he put on over the shirt he was already wearing. He was rather buzzed on Jack and Coke – not drunk, but feeling loose and having a good time. We went out to eat at the Cadillac afterwards – and we … had … FUN! Just sitting there, talking about whatever. Heard a humorous story from Randy about Shane Cox’s kids naming their suckers they got at the bank.
“I’m going to name my sucker after you, dad.â€
“Oh, really? What are you going to call it?â€
“It’s my Shane Cox Sucker.â€
You can’t make that shit up.
We had a great time. Matt and I were snipers of the conversation table – putting in comments and questions at JUST the right time … and then, after a battle of the straw wrappers, Meredith made a comment about when people do something like that to her, it usually warrants a slap in the face. I said,†Yeah, but, he’s wearing glasses.†And Matt proceeded to take his glasses off, prompting a smack on the forehead from me – which was met with a similar one back, prompting a fight of sissy-slapping.
And for some reason, Matt stole my ticket from me – to pay the cashier, and he paid for me. I don’t get it. Maybe it was the $10 tip I left him at Tumbleweed …
What can I say? I like to support my friends financially whenever I can.
So Matt and I had excellent conversations about philosophy and theology. He just started school and undecided about what to major in. I told him that political science was a good way to go. He wants to major in philosophy, though – which doesn’t surprise me in the least – but doesn’t know what he would do with a philosophy degree.
Me either … but I was sure it was better than working in Tumbleweed.
When I drove him and Meredith back to their cars, we had more talking, more happy. I was quite happy. I talked with Meredith later. She asked me how long I’d known him and I told her that I’ve known the guy for over four years now, and I haven’t ever really spent much time with him until tonight. She said we acted like we’d known each other for longer than that.
… is it still wrong of me to be praying for a divorce?
“Praying to who?†Meredith would say.
Touché, Meredith. Touché.
My shirt

Love You!!!