Listening to: Rebel Yell - Billy Idol
Feeling: claustrophobic
This doesn't happen often. Don't get used to it.
See how bored I get working? Being a DJ can actually be very, very boring. (See previous entry entitled "Baxter Takes a Holiday.)
Full Name: Jonathan Seth Glover
What is your Nick Name: Uhm … Baxter? I guess. Sethness, Sethy-poo, whatever Lindsay likes to call me at the moment.
Height: 5'4 and three quarters – I’d round up to 5’5†… but then, I’m not 5’5â€
Hair Color: Supposed to be dark, dark brown – but thanks to some last-minute inspiration, it’s so very much white.
Siblings: David Glover, 25
Shoe Size: I’ve heard that there’s some kind of “formula†for guys and their “shoe size†if you get my meaning; so I won’t answer this one, simply because it’s a stupid question and completely irrelevant.
Age: 21
Sex: Overrated. I mean, male.
Birthday: May 3, 1982
Where do you live?: Owensboro, KY – or, as Johnny Depp so lovingly calls it, Owensboring – which it is.
Righty or Lefty?: Ambidextrous; I write with my right hand, and write backwards with my left - I also fence with my left, but I can switch over to right when my wrist gets tired.
.•: * ¤~.:.How Do girls want thier guys.:.~¤ * :•.
Boxers or Briefs?: Uhm … is this a relevant question for me? I mean … I wear both … so … man, first shoe size and now underwear? Getting a little personal there, aren’t you?
Tall or Short?: Oh, I get it – this is where girls are supposed to describe their ideal man, right? Seems kind of superficial, doesn’t it?
Long or short hair?: Why can’t you just be happy with how he is?
Ears pierced or not?: Who cares?
Freckles or none?: Get picky, why don’t you?
Good kisser or doesn't matter?: NOW it says “doesn’t matter.â€
Rugged or neat?: Ah, geez …
Accent or no accent?: Does it really matter, girls? I mean, honestly. Good luck finding a guy with ALL of these qualities.
And how come there wasn’t something on here for guys to fill out? Oh yeah, probably because we’re just happy to have a girl taking interest in us that we don’t have time to be picky. Either that – or all of the good guys are taken … or gay. Like my friend Mal said, “Finding a good man is like trying to find good parking spaces. They’re either taken or handicapped.†Not that gays are handicapped or anything … I mean. I just got myself into trouble, didn’t I? I’m pansexual, so gender means nothing to me … so … I guess I could have filled that out for myself, the whole “what girls look for in a guy†… I guess. Oh well, forget it, I’ll shut up about it now.
.•: * ¤~.:.Miscellanious.:.~¤ * :•.
Chocolate or white milk?: I don’t really mind either! I love milk. Bring it ON!
Root beer or Dr. Pepper?: Dr Pepper Red Fusion. Hey … have you ever noticed how the period after Dr is mysteriously … not there? Just kind of goes unnoticed, doesn’t it?
Pudding or Jell-O? Puddin’
*Sunshine* or rain?: Rain – severe thunderstorms are nice.
Vanilla or chocolate?: Neopolitan (“Napoleon†in this family)
Skiing or boarding?: Uhm … I’ve never done either … so … uhm – snow mobiling? Or, for water’s sake, tobogganing!
Cake or pie?: PIE! Oh, me oh my, I love pie. Yes, sir. Pie is good.
*LoVe* or lust: Love. Sex is overrated.
Silver or gold?: Silver
Diamond or pearl?: Amethyst/Hematite/Labradorite/Peridot
Sunset or sunrise?: The sky, just before dawn, when it’s still cool blue and purple
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: Yes, I do, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. Carebear – Bedtime bear, actually – he keeps the nightmares away; I use him on particularly bad nights – which are quite frequent. I’ve been using him since early childhood. He does his job well. I do love him so.
Broke/sprained/fractured a bone?: Broke my right wrist in 4th grade, running backwards in a relay race – tried to stop myself from falling and my hand just sort of bent the wrong way. Sprained my left wrist in 5th grade while roller-skating. Sprained my right ankle in 7th grade just by simply hopping over someone’s feet that were in the aisle. Sprained my left ankle while running track in 8th grade (I was shotput and discus). Got into high school, and I got a couple of fractured ribs, but nothing really serious to keep me from furthering my education and keeping up with band.
Do you sing in the shower?: Why, yes, I do. When no one’s home. I get kind of embarrassed and shy when other people hear me “rehearsing†and whatnot. Same goes for when I practice piano. Can’t have people around. Makes me nervous.
Experienced *LoVe* at first site?: No. It doesn’t exist. To say that you love someone before actually knowing them, basing your feelings on just one look, just … no, it’s doesn’t fly for me. However, I do believe that it is possible to fall in love with someone after just one meeting.
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No.
If not...do you like anyone?: Yes, I do – but I don’t think she believes me.
What's your favorite color?: Silver … white, black, grey, burgundy.
What's your favorite song?: I don’t have one. There are too many to name.
*Who do you *DrEaM* about?: That’s kind of personal.
Who are your *BEST* guy friends?: Brad, Kevin, Josh, Chris and Chris, Paul, Brandon – pretty much all of the Sammies, Sammie Dammit, Jr. (their cat), Mr. Mistoffelees - Lee for short (my cat). And … Cris, I suppose … someone I can really talk to. Scott (Dean of Students) is pretty cool and understanding, too. But mainly, I’d just have to say Brad, Kevin, and Cris - and Lee. I don’t really like playing favorites.
Who are your *BEST* girl friends?: Melissa, Lindsay, Kelley, Shelley, Malinda, Chris Ellen, Brooke, Katie, Emily, Annie, Allison, Amy – and my professors Joy, Diane, Beth, and Grace – because they are just so fucking cool. But mainly, I’d just have to say Melissa, Lindsay, and Kelley. Yes. Again, I don’t like playing favorites.
Who is the quietest?: Me.
What's your favorite *Memory* of you and one of your friends?: I have lots of them. But I do love how Melissa stood up for me in front of Paul like that. I thought I might have a cat fight on my hands. And all of those times that Melissa and Lindsay just let me cry and let everything out. Makes me feel warm inside – because someone really cares about me – and they never fail to remind me of that.
Who do you tell your dreams to?: Melissa, Lindsay, and Cris
Do you want your friends to respond to this survey?: Doesn’t really matter. They can if they want.
Who is MOST likely to respond?: I honestly have no idea. But I bet if Kelley was reading this, she’d jump right on it.
Who is LEAST likely to respond?: Me, considering I’ve already taken it.
Do you like the person that sent this to you? Yeah. I guess she’s all right. I don’t really know her all that well, but she seems pretty cool.

Take care.