Mood: Drowsy
Music: "O Fortuna" - Carmina Burana (to wake me up)
It's been a long night of restless sleep. There's not much to say here at all, this is just an update. Do I remember my dreams? Yeah, a little of them from last night, but I'll write them out later. Why? I don't really have time right now to type them out plus I plan on taking a nap later anyway. Why don't I have time to type them out? Well, not only to I continuously space out when I'm typing them up, I also have to pick up my cousin who's in from college - FINALLY. She's all the way in Greenville. That's quite a drive. At least I get some quality driving time - and her mother's paying for breakfast at Denny's.
Mmmm ... 24-hour breakfast.
Waffles, here I come! I love you, Denny's. You are a godsend.
So I'll be talking about things later - maybe even sound a little more intellegent later considering I'd have been up for a while by then.
Yeah, I'm not very good with ending things - I mean, I'm such a perfectionist that not only can't I end my novel series, but I keep going back and CHANGING things - I do the same with papers for school, articles for the newspaper, weekly rants for the radio, etc. Drives me mad, myself. And now, I don't know how to end journal entries.
Which is sad, right? I mean, a journal is a continuous thing, right? You shouldn't have to ever put finality on anything ... right?
Nevertheless, I don't have time to think of a good "ending" persay, because now I'm off to get my cousin and have myself a free Denny's breakfast!
Much love! *soft kisses to Lindsay and Melissa* Take care. Stay safe and beautiful.

True Goth... You make me proud.
Goth quiz... a good one brought to you by Quizilla
((I really need to stop taking Goth quizzes. Or really just quizzes altogether. Besides, isn't calling yourself "goth" like, an oxymoron anyway? Any goth wouldn't call him/herself a goth really, right? Like the whole punk thing right? But then, I don't know why people wouldn't embrace who they are. I mean, is it not cool for a goth to be called goth? Given, stereotypes can be bad ... why did I take this quiz? I don't know why I even care. Because I'm bored, probably ... and the picture was pretty. I like Trent. Wish I had his creative flow sometimes. But then, doesn't he go for years without writing a song? Poor guy. I feel his pain.))

Blessed be.
endings are over-rated, per sé.
sometimes, anyway.
--cease transmission--
-sklarred for life