People commented to me today.
"You're glowing, Seth," they said.
Some of them asked why - I knew that if I told them the truth, I'd have to go on a long explanation of who I am in love with, why I am in love, tell every detail about her to them ... so I just told them "I'm overflowing with Christmas cheer" - that, and after today, I wouldn't be working at Winn-Dixie anymore.
Thank fucking god.
Yes, I'm in love. Positively glowing and gushy - so much to the point where even strangers start to notice. "He seems awfully happy today." "He's full of Christmas cheer." "I think he's been drinking too much eggnog." "Did you let him have cookies again?"
I had a dream this morning. When I woke up, I wrote it down immediately ... and here it is, verbatim ... kind of perplexing, actually.
There was another boy there - my age, maybe a year younger, I'm not sure - but he looked a lot like me. Dark hair almost to his shoulders. He'd come to visit in the "spirit of the holidays."
I gave him a gift ... of a ring. A gold ring with something engraved into it. I don't remember what it said. He fancied me, though, I could tell.
I was taken t this outdoor place - like a ritual-eqsue place. I was led by a young man with long, blond hair and blue eyes. He was motioning out over this water thing ... I can't really describe it - it was a pool, basin, and lake all at the same time.
He told me about how I was a second. Lineage, I think - that I was the second born. He told me that he, too, was a second, that my visitor was. He was spouting off names of seconds - and he said "that is why we are all linked, because we are seconds. There are many of us, and there are few."
He mentioned the name Daniel Johns. If it's the Daniel Johns I'm thinking about, then that explains much. He kept spouting off names - Melissa was one of them, my visitor's name was mentioned, he stopped after a moment. There was an Aurora Borealis overhead. He mentioned something about only seeing one once in his life.
I don't know what he meant by seconds - it wasn't just because we were boring second - there was another reason behind it. At the time, I understood it, in the dream.
Before this, in the dream, we were being followed, chased from room to room in this old apartment building - we kept using the fire escapes to move. He had short, spikey brown hair and a square jaw with beard stubble - very muscular - kind of reminded me of Duke Nukem (sounds corny, I know). But he was chasing us for what we were - I don't know what he planned on doing with us.
End Dream
That's all I wrote because that was all I remember from the dream, other than it was cold.
I went to get gas today at the station - went in to pay because I wanted some JONES - I've been craving ... and I kind of needed comfort food.
The guy behind the counter - he looked really familiar. He was a scrawny guy, older, maybe in his late thirties, early forties - messy brown hair. His eyes were a bluish-grey color, and though the color was kind of dull, they were all lit up with something. I'd never seen him at the station before, I know I haven't - but he looked so familiar.
I put my Jones on the counter and said "Pump 2, please" And he was like "Pump 2- gotcha, righty-o." And that just made me burst out into a smile. The next thing he said has been lingering in the back of my mind all day. He said "So he
does smile!"
... like ... he knew me.
Had I seen him in the store before or ... something? I don't know - it was more like one of those "he looks familiar" like you're pulling something from the back of your mind from childhood.
In any case, his comments added to my smiles all day. His parting phrase was not "you have a great day" - oh no, no no ... it was "And you have a merry ho ho day time, mister guy."
Made me laugh.
I feel good today. I genuinely feel good.
I've come to the conclusion that I need to smile more ... so I think I just might do that.
I hope Lindsay's having fun at her party thing today. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go bake cookies and dance around to some more DJ Micro.
Blessed be.
*says, very obnoxiously like that guy from* IT'S OFFICIAL!!! *actually does a VERY good impression of that guy*
*goes back to normal*
I'm being crushed on by a 14-year-old. And for once in my life, I'm clueless as to what to do. I've told her that I'm too old for her right now, but she doesn't care. I told her that I already had someone I was in love with - again, she doesn't care. She honestly thinks that I'll drop everything and be all hers; fucking obsessed with me, saying things like we were made for each other ... she's only known me for two weeks!
This is just weird.


You are Gandalf!
Wise and resourceful, you are an efficient person
that knows what you're doing.
--What Lord of the Rings character are you?-- brought to you by Quizilla
... meh.