Listening to: Brothers - FMA
Feeling: conflicted
I'm not crying.
I just see the world around me, and I see much bigger problems than the ones my friends face daily. Perspective is remarkable.
Desmond Tutu once said something about the fact that Neutrality is bad - because, you see, if an elephant is standing on the tail of the mouse - and you take a neutral position - the mouse won't be too happy about that.
You have to choose a side.
I choose to be negotiator.
I want to find a way to heal both sides, even the one I haven't taken, because I am able to sympathize with them.
I understand the world now. I understand so much about how everything works, especially people ...
I could fix the problem in Iraq. I honestly could. I know how to, and I'm writing a paper about it in Human Geography.
I have all of these policies in my mind right now, but no government brave enough to take them into effect.
I could fix the water shortage in some areas - I honestly could, if given the materials, technology ...
I could make the Sahara fertile if I had the means, time, and a competent team.
I could achieve enlightenment right now, but worldly desires hold me back still.
... like chocolate, people, love.
I know so much, yet there is still much left to gain ... so much ...

I really like your diary.
And you seem very interesting.