Listening to: Winter - Tori Amos
Feeling: sick
First dream:
It was nighttime and it felt like it was near Halloween. Outside, it was warm, however - it felt like a summer night - but I was dressed in long sleeves and pants. I was playing an Angel's harp - a lyre. I've never played one before, but I'm playing this one like it's nothing. I mean, even in the dream, I know that I can't play, but I just keep playing it, and beautiful music is coming out. Only "special" beings can play this harp - and I'm doing it. There is another person beside me as we sit on this porch watching children play in the yard, even though it's dark - but I never see his face, and he never plays. But I know that when I play, I'm keeping something away ... but I'm also drawing something near. And all of the people there thought was an Angel or something, and they were telling stories about all of the times I've used my powers, and I'm just keeping quiet. My throat hurts. I can't speak, because it hurts too much, but I just smile and nod and just ... pick at the lyre, just playing it, and they all stare at me in wonder. And I don't like being the center of attention - so I just keep playing, and I'm pretending to ignore them, hoping that they'll lose interest.
And the next thing I know, I'm inside the house, looking out of the glass door into the back yard, and suddenly there's this boy's face coming out of the dark - maybe 8 or 9 years old - but it's painted like a skull with white and black paint ... but I can barely see it in the shadows.
It's very, very haunting. I still see it in my mind and it makes me shudder.
And this girl with blonde hair, she comes up and opens the door ... and gives him two cookies.
Then suddenly, the two of us are alone, me and the blonde, and we're in this empty building, a radio building, and I'm given a cookie to munch on, and I take one bite and then suddenly we start to run ... and something is chasing us, a monster, yes ... something bad. Something very bad. Something terrible. The girl keeps saying "I shouldn't have given him the cookie." We split up, because she thinks we have a better chance of surviving if we split up, and I end up in this small room. There's two doors - one at the south end, and the other at the east end. The walls and doors are burgundy. The floor is beige carpet. The door knobs are gold/brass-colored. The monster is getting closer to me. I can't hear the girl anymore. I think she's gone ... gone gone. I start to feel very, very scared. I just barely peek through the crack of the South door - I'll lock myself in if I see something coming - I'll have time. I keep thinking that I need to lock the east door, just in case, but I don't want to leave the south door in case the monster comes, or the girl, so she can be in the room and safe with me - if I miss them, then what?
I wake up.
I couldn't go back to sleep for a while after that one.
It's been a while since I've had a chasing dream that frightening.
Second Dream:
Mainly just flashes.
Twilight. I'm still on the run. I remember this dream in flashes. I'm hiding. I'm so so hiding and on the run from someone - and they're disguised as children. There's a very muscular, tanned man with dark hair in a black trenchcoat with a gun. He makes me think of metal and battle. He gives me this bike to ride ... like a Harley or something, huge Motorcycle. I want to tell him that I'm too small for a thing like this, but he just tells me to get on it and ride, to get far, far away from there, and that he'll stall whatever it is that's following me. I don't want him to risk his life for me, but he tells me to go, and I don't want his sacrifice to be in vain - so I take off. And I go. Far far away. I just keep riding - the next thing I know, it's almost dawn, and I'm hiding in this room on the second floor of this house in a sort of country town. There is a field and house across the road with these children ... 12 and 13-year old children, and they have these fireworks ... flares or something, that are shaped like small balls that they light, then throw into the air to alert everyone that one of my kind is near. But I thought I was hiding well - but when I look out of the blinds a third time, one boy with light hair sees me, and throws one into the air ... it comes out green. Then another girl throws one into the air, and it's blue ... and another one, it's yellow, then another green one from another child. They know I'm there, they're waking the entire town ... I have to run, I have to hide.
I wake up.
Last Dream:
I'm still hiding. It's daylight now. I'm trying to find a place to stay. I hide away in this deserted apartment. The owner is looking for a roommate, but he's been gone on vacation for a long while. I steal a key from the manager, and I stay there, even though I know it's wrong. No one in their right mind would live there, the front room has these three beds scattered out, two of which can be made into bunks, and there are HUGE piles of dirt - like sandy dirt - in this room. And on the right wall, there is a door, that leads to the rest of the apartment, but it's locked, and I can't go in there - it's almost like it leads into another apartment. No one would think to look for me in the deserted place - and no one wants to live there due to the mess, or even take the time to fix it up. But I do. I just immediately start cleaning. I clean everything. I put the bunkbeds together on my own, I spray for bugs, I make the place hospitable. And I live there.
And it's not until that moment that I realize in the dream that I'm only seventeen.
And then the other owner comes home from where he was. He has dark hair, and he just looks at me, wondering what I'm doing there. Then he says "oh, you must be the new roommate. Love what you did with the place." And I want to tell him not to tell anyone that I'm here, but he just goes to the door on the right and unlocks it - I was right, beyond it is another apartment.
This man has dogs. I know he has at least three, but the only one I can remember is a black one with long ears.
The next thing I know, that guy has been killed. He's dead. And I make it a personal mission to take care of his pets and his home. I even see his grave. His tombstone. But I don't remember his name.
The next thing I know, I've started this Shakespearean coffee house thing with these older girls - and I'm just caught in the middle of it all. But it's to make money to keep the apartment, and it's for a good cause, I'm sure. But I can't be found out. I'm still afraid that I'll be found, but not quite as scared. And we go into the shop across the street, and suddenly we're in teams. Everyone is wearing a red shirt, but we're hunting down something, and it's a race ...
And there's this boy there. A tall, skinny boy who is older than me and has shoulder-length dirty-blond hair, and he's always doing things to make me mad ... like cutting me off, or saying things that just fuel my insecurities.
And though I know that I don't hit hard, every now and then, I'll just punch him - even though I know something inside of me is holding me back. But I'll just punch him.
And I don't know what the last thing was that he did to piss me off so much, but it made me chase after him - and, I'm not a violent person, I'm not, but it just pissed me off so much, and I don't want to hurt him, but I just corner him and start punching him - straight with the knuckles, sharp pain it might cause if I'd actually been a good hitter ...
And finally I stop and I just start panting, and finally I ask him why he's doing all of these things to make me mad, why he lets me hit him like I do, and he just says
"so you won't hit anyone else. So you'll take all your agressions out on me." And I don't want to hit him anymore.
Then suddenly, he grabs my head and just plants a full-on kiss on my lips -
And I wake up.
Strange dreams last night.
What's even stranger is that I woke up with a strange mark on the back of my right hand. A very strange mark. I don't know how it got there, but I scanned it, so you could all see.
And that's that.
Blessed be.
Edit: YES, I AM that pale, damnit! Leave me alone. *goes into a corner and sulks*

~ kesshotai