Listening to: Stinkfist - Tool
Feeling: active
I just had a ginseng tablet and I'm already feeling hyper.
I'm 23 minutes away from the road and OZZFEST. Excited, yes. But I just know that I'm going to fall asleep in the backseat on the way up there.
I'm going, the brother's going, Shannon - his fiance' - is going, a couple of their friends ... Melissa, her brother, and some of his friends are going to be there, too, so we're going to meet up with them at the gate. Fun! FUN! FUN
Anyway - I just thought I'd give a shout out to my homies to let them know that I'm off to have a good time.
I'll miss you, LINDSAY! I love you!
I'm off to finish preparing my self (i.e. food and sunblock).
Blessed be!
Have a splendid day!

you said 'homies.'
have fun at ozzzzzzzzzfest,
--ambient ay kay ay