Listening to: Bob Seger - Turn the Page
Feeling: abnormal
Like, OH MY GOD!!!! !@#&$!*@#$&!*#@$&!!!!
Ignore that, that was me being annoying, like the fucking girl I just finished talking to on the air.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen ... and ... other ... people, I am at the station today, working ... and the guy that was supposed to come in to help me run two remotes at once? Yeah, NOT here. Apparently, he's working at Sears when he was scheduled to be here at 11:00 ... and ... it's almost 1:00. Yeah, this guy has four jobs and apparently doesn't know how to get his schedule going. And, because I am running two remotes at once, I can't record weathers or commercials, so I'm resorted to typing up a journal entry in my free time.
Can Seth run two remotes at the same time? Sure he can. He's Super Seth, remember?
So, I finished reading Nny and I must say that I really do enjoy Jhonen's writing. I have to agree with Melissa, though - why couldn't I have gotten into reading his stuff sooner? I swear, the guy is hilarious.
But I'm sure that a lot of his humor is lost on some people - completely lost. You know, Roald Dahl's appeal was the violent humor (you know, the Matilda/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory guy) - it's really controversial - but DAMNIT! He's funny. And look how popular the guy is.
By the way, I hear that Tim Burton's planning on doing a new film version of Wonka. Might get either Johnny Depp or Christopher Walken to play Wonka. But you know, as much as I love Christopher Walken (and I do, I LOVE this guy), I think that perhaps Johnny would do a better job.
I was supposed to go to bed right after getting offline with my lovely ... I was going to ... but when I got home, Shannon was up trying to get Dakota to fall asleep, and she was watching Don Juan Demarco (speaking of Depp) and I just sat down and watched. I should have slept - I know I should have slept, but I didn't. I just like that movie too much. I don't know why. Just a feel good movie, I guess.
Makes me feel romantic, I guess. Maybe my lovely will get a taste of that tonight. I'll be mushy. I'll make her blush, and she'll call me "evol" for doing such a thing.
Oh well. Why not? She'll just have to live through a night of being treated like a goddess. She'll just have to deal.
I get my cat back sometime today. Shannon's still at the apartment waiting for the girl to drop him off.
Wait - you guys don't know what happened to Mr. Mistoffelees?
Well, David had someone come over to the apartment last week - Friday, the 16th - and scared Lee. And when he got in the window, the guy thought he wanted out and he just ran out of the apartment. My neighbors said they saw Lee Sunday night, but I haven't seen him since the morning of the 16th. I've missed my cat. I've been at odds about this whole ordeal. He was a stray that came to ME - he's lived with me for almost three years - he's very human-like. David jokes about him being my witch's familiar. He's practically my best friend. He sleeps in my room every night. He keeps the monsters away.
And since he's been gone, I haven't slept well at all. I've been feeling sick again. I've just been worried - extremely worried.
And then I found out Wednesday that some girl in one of the dorms had found him and took him into her room, deciding to take him home ... apparently not noticing the COLLAR around his neck with his NAME on it and a NUMBER to CALL if he was found.
I had to find out from a friend who overheard the girl talking about it where he was. She didn't bother to call around and ask, but kept him in her room all week. When I found out, I immediately e-mailed her (because I don't know her number or I would have had Shannon call) and found out what was going on. I'll be getting him back sometime today or tomorrow.
Preferably now.
I want my cat back.
I'm not mad anymore. I was mad at first - because, you know, he's my cat. MY cat. MY friend. A member of MY family and I want him back - but I'm not mad. I understand that she can't go home immediately and get him, so I can wait. So long as I know he's safe.
I was starting to get worried that something bad had happened to him ... like he'd gotten run over or someone had just taken him or ... something. It's actually a big relief to know that he's all right.
After all, she could have been a real jerk and said "Hey, you can't have him back. Finders keepers, jackass."
But I'm getting him back soon. And when I can finally hold him in my arms again, I'll be very happy.
If this is any prelude to when I have children, and if one of my children (god forbid) goes missing ... I'll be a fucking nervous wreck.
Speaking of nervous wrecks.
On top of all this, finals are next week, along with Players banquet, so I'll be a little busy. Math work is just piling up.
I'll be so glad when school is over.
On that note, it's time for me to head out of here and back to the apartment where I can wait for my cat and clean up a little. I'll write more later ... perhaps after my romantic streak.
Blessed be.
As if 7:15 PM
Still no Lee. Girl hasn't called or anything. It's starting to drive me nuts because they're calling for thunderstorms and it will be dark soon - and I'd hate to have her drive from Dixon to Owensboro in a downpour ...
EDIT 7:45 PM
Remember when I said I wanted to make this a romantic night with my lovely? Yeah ... it's not working out ... mostly my fault, I guess. I must have put my expectations too high. Maybe now just isn't the time for romance. Maybe I should just make myself realize the fact that I don't know how to be romantic ...
I'm just ... not a good boyfriend, I guess. Every time I try, something goes wrong ...
9:15 PM
I just want her to have a good time so ... she's going to go out and have a good time ... she deserves a good time.
Maybe ... another night, I might actually be the one to give her that good time ... maybe ... someday ...
But until that day comes, I can only plan ...
Anyway, she seems to be in a much better mood now. Things are better, but she's still going out - because I want her to have a good time, of course. I'm just going to curl up and write for a while. Maybe that girl will finally call about Lee ... who knows?
I love my lovely tremendously. Things are good.

x erin x
The Nathan Carter Fanatic,
~Tell Them True Stories~