Listening to: Spring Song - Chamber Choir
Feeling: accepted
Dream Entry
I was in England, I think. Somewhere in Europe with forests and flat land, moors and moors and moors. It was daylight and the sky was grey with clouds. I was at a mansion in the country, forests behind the house and moors on the other three sides. There was a huge courtyard out back as well, surrounded by large stone walls.
I was outside most of the time, though whoever was in charge there did not like that, the fact that I kept escaping from my “bodyguards†or whatever. Cris was somewhere inside, I don’t know where, but I know that he was busy. A fuss was being made near the front of the building and I went to see. Two people had been captured, walking at gunpoint with their hands in strange cuffs through these LARGE double doors, morning sun peeking through the clouds
Well, they referred to them as “creatures.â€
The were very tall, but young – not much older than I was, pale, beautiful skin, pointed ears, … and they wore these beautiful white robes, with gorgeous designs sewn in to the backs of them with navy and gold velvet, with very high gold collars. The “lesser one†had blondish hair, spiked, his ears pierced with clear stones dangling on silver chains – and the other, who was clearly the leader, had short white hair to his neck, with a small braid on either side trimmed with clear blue stones and gold. He had a blue, rune-like design tattooed on his forehead and piercing grey eyes, around the outer rims of his irises was a darker shade of grey. He was beautiful. I wanted to know him. I felt so drawn to him.
I was behind this line of people that was surrounding them, and I peeked over the shoulder of a woman at the “creatures†– and the grey-eyed one stared right at me.
And smiled, before he and his companion were led to the highest floor – which was an attic-like place, and held there in captivity.
They were tortured up there. I could hear them screaming, and I would stare at the opening while it was going on. When the torturer left them, I hid, waiting for him to be gone, before phasing through the ceiling to check on them. The room was dark, but there were windows, though many stories from the ground. There were beams from the ceiling, wood on the walls, insulation – and their hands were chained still. I kept myself invisible – I knew these two were dangerous, but I felt so drawn to them, as though they were no threat to me. I was magnetized. But I felt so inferior compared to them, to their beauty. I could not help it. I wanted to help them.
The blonde was lying on the floor, before his head finally perked up and his cuffed hands tapped the leader’s leg – who then quickly sat up and knelt, placing his hands on the floor. They were planning escape, trying to create portals, but failing.
Then the grey-eyed one stopped, and stood slowly, turning his head to my direction … and he smiled. “No need to hide. We won’t hurt you.†And suddenly I was visible, in my own black reverend’s coat, embroidered with silver lining and buttons. I stood slowly from my own kneeling position, looking at him. The other stood as well. And the leader said softly, lifting his cuffed hands as if in a kind wave. “Hello, my beautiful one.†His voice was just as beautiful as he was. He seemed so otherworldly. I just stared at him.
“You must be Larc.†Said the other as the grey-eyed one stepped toward me.
“Yes … Larc en Ciel. The arc of Heaven. Rainbow,†the leader said. And then he cupped my face in his hands, which were gloved in white, the palms navy. “You do not belong here, with these people. They are not your kind.†And I was confused. Because I was with those who were Dark, I had assumed that they were of my people. And the grey-eyed one shook his head, hands moving to cradle my neck then as he looked down on me. “You have been deceived for so long, my beautiful Larc. Told time and time again that you are Dark, but my beautiful one, you are not. You are more than them, more than us.â€
“Please believe us,†said the other. “We are your friends. We want to take you home.â€
“Restore the balance in our chaotic universe,†Grey added.
I was so confused – the sort of confusion that was heart-breaking. Everything I’d been taught was a lie? Who was I? Who were they? How could I be sure that they weren’t telling me this to confuse me, to steal my power for themselves as so many had done in the past.
“Because we cannot lie,†Grey said and smiled. He could read my thoughts.
“I am Lucien.†Said the blonde. “And you may call him Adonai.â€
I just gave the Grey one a stunned look, and he smiled, shaking his head again, “No, do not confuse me with the other you know. I am not him.†I started to feel a bit relieved at this. But I still had so much left to do, to fix before I could go back … home … wherever that was. Too much was left.
“Deliver us from this place, and we will help you,†Lucien said. I was so quiet, so confused.
Adonai touched my cheek, so soft, and said, “There is so much more to you than you realize.â€
“Help us,†Lucien pleaded. And I finally nodded. First, I touched Adonai’s chains, and they disintegrated on contact, then Lucien’s followed the same fate. Before I knew it, Adonai’s arms were embracing me from behind, hand cupping my right cheek as he pressed a kiss to my left.
The next thing I knew, I phased through walls to the back, within the walls of the moor, on a bare patch of earth amidst emerald green grass. Cris was waiting for me, ready. I pointed up, as far as my arm could reach. I told him, quietly, “They will come through here.â€
Then I return inside, near another opening to the “attic†place and a dark man with black hair is telling another grey-haired man that he had probed my mind and I had told him that the two creatures were going to escape through that opening. I then slipped away from them, to the moor again, to Cris, and lifted my finger, slowly drawing a circle in the air. I had to work quickly; I knew the Dark ones were hurrying to the attic to execute Lucien and Adonai.
Then, above me, where I had drawn the circle, was a glowing, light blue portal. Lucien came through first; Cris was holding so tight to my arm as Lucien aided Adonai through, I can still faintly feel the grip. The portal closed once the two were out of the way. They turned to Cris and I and smiled, and I returned their smile. Adonai reached out to me then, but that’s all I remember.

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