Listening to: High Hopes - Pink Floyd
Feeling: slothful
I'm at the station right now. The college station. I'm playing requests out the wazoo and feeling so totally stressed and sore and ... I just don't want to be here right now - but I do it for the fans.
I missed talking to Lindsay last night because ... I got in from work last night and just ... felt like crap.
Shit. I just felt like shit.
I still do. I missed all but one of my classes - because I just can't afford to miss that class - so I went sick.
And, I know Lindsay, I know I need to go to the doctor ... and I will Saturday - because right now, I just don't have time.
And I'm sorry, my lovely, if I'm not online tonight ... I just need to sleep and catch up on work, but mainly sleep more than anything.
I'm so sorry, lovely ... I love you so much.
Please, please e-mail me? Please? Tell me everything about what's going on and what I'm missing? I miss you so much.
Anyway, I need to get back to these online requests.
I have war wounds from the deli - paper cuts on my fingers - which aren't really from paper ... in fact, I don't know WHAT they're from. Maybe from the back of the slicer. I mean, the blade's not supposed to be able to cut you, but that doesn't stop it from giving you the occasional "paper" cut.
I've gotten addicted to Shannon's Family Guy DVD's ... and I've been watching those whenever I can, instead of doing my school work. I call it my down time, because we don't have internet or cable in the apartment, and lately I haven't been feeling so hot, so I can't exactly go across the street; David forbids it. He has good reasons, you see.
I hope I'm well by tomorrow night - I have a concert that I have to be in tiptop shape for - and I have to cover a game at 97X right after that.
God, I'm so hungry - I hope they have food waiting for me when I get back.
I'll miss talking ot Lindsay tonight ... I miss my lovely so much ... so so much ... this will make two nights without her ... *sobs* I'm going through massive withdrawals here.
I need to go, though - requests and CD's and ... everything and ... did you realize it took me an hour to write this one short entry? (Yes, this is short for me.) Yeah, that's how busy I've been ... papercuts and all, bandaided fingers. *sniff* I miss you, Lindsay. Please write to me? I love you.

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