I miss Lindsay. I didn't get the chance to talk to her last night ... and I feel really, really bad ... because I miss her so much. And I needed to talk to her ... very much ... but alas.
Hopefully, we'll get the chance to talk tonight. Unfortunately, last night, I was under close surveillance by David, because he thought I was going crazy over the whole haunted bedroom thing. "That's what you get for taking the room with the boiler in the closet," he said. Bitch.
At least I get to see Melissa nearly everyday now. That makes me happy. She doesn't make up for missing Lindsay, but she's still great company and I love her. Love. Love. Love.
I'm going to kidnap Lindsay and have her live in my closet ... yes ... that's it.
I learned how to count this morning. That was exciting. I'm taking Math for Elementary Teachers - I mean, I have to relearn EVERYTHING that I learned in gradeschool ... so I'll know how to teach it to the kiddies.
Which is good, because I
cannot do long division for the life of me. I mean, SERIOUSLY - I can't do it. It'll be wonderful to finally learn how to do it.
I think the calculator has taken all of the work out of mate and spoiled students ... made them lazy.
Hey! I get to relearn percentages - that's good, because I forgot how to do that ... and now when are people going to use that in their lives? I mean, when you go to a restaurant, ten percent for tips is already factored out on the check ... so ... yeah.
People are getting dumber because computers are doing all of their work for them.
And at 11:00 today, I get to learn how to read all over again!
Will I be able to stand this? I mean, re-learning math AND reading? In ONE semester?
Well, I can try.
You know ... "I Can Only Imagine" by Mercy Me was a great song ...
... when I first heard it over a year and a half ago.
Now that it's being played on the radio, like, fifty times a day, I'm getting sick of it. It's a good song, I just wish that disc jockeys wouldn't overplay good songs, thereby making them tired, and making me cringe every time they come on the radio.
Do you sense a little animocity in me? Yeah.
Why did I bring this up? Because it just came on the radio.
I'm excited, though, because I got my mailbox key yesterday ... and our mailbox will be in service starting tomorrow!!!
Hint hint, Lindsay!
Finally! I get to send mail to Lindsay!
I miss the good old days of intimate correspondence, don't you?
Anyway, I should go now. I think I want to take a nap before I go to class at 11:00 and relearn how to read.
Grr for having classes at 8 AM ... someone's going DOWN!!!!
Blessed be.


Lord of the Rings!
What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!) brought to you by Quizilla
... no ... not really, no ... well, maybe ...I see myself as more of a Matrix ... but ... I just ... I dunno. Maybe.