Listening to: Sad Situation - Delia Bell
Feeling: abnormal
Here I sit, in the college radio cubicle, closed off from the world ... once again.
Just me, the PSA's ... and loads of bluegrass music.
Now ... when I first started this three years ago, I hated bluegrass music - I would fall asleep.
Every now and then, I still fall asleep ... but gladly, I've found quite a few bluegrass CD's and groups/artists that I actually like ... like the Osborne Brothers, Allison Krauss and Union Station, Valerie Smith, and of course the ever-so-hilarious Mike Cross.
Hey ... it's experience, right?
I send in some air checks to the station tomorrow - and hopefully, I'll get that steady DJ job I'm coveting after - especially since I've worked there for a while already ... you'd think I'd get top billings - first dibs or something.
Sadly, as I sit here at the station, I realize that my favorite PSA is missing. It went a little something like this.
"Jack, I believe we have an error on the report -"
"Oh! And I suppose it's MY fault?! Maybe I just didn't do well in school because MAYBE I MOVED when I was ten and didn't do well on my placement tests because I was emotionally distraught over my dog's death which I could have dealt with better if my mother had rocked me more as a baby - I bet YOU never had to wear your sister's CLOTHES!"
"Jack ... you just mispelled August."
"... oh."
It was about reponsibility ... a message from your Presbyterian friends ...
Or something like that.
It was fucking hiliarious.
And now it's missing.
And I've just developed an eye twitch in my left eyelid. Wonderful.
Anyway ... I have class at 10:50 ... and get out at 12:05 ... which equals ... lunch making and nap time ... because my 2:35 class is cancelled for today because the professor is helping his son move into his school in Ohio ... wow ... his youngest son, going off to college ... must be a very proud, but sad moment ... when your youngest grows up and goes off to college.
I wonder what it would have been like, if my parents had still been around ...
Mustn't depress myself ... musn't ... I'm doing okay today, mustn't bring myself down.
So I found out some stuff on the net ...
Well, I kind of had to search for a topic for health class today, so I did ... and that was interesting, because I looked up TIA - the mini stroke ... and I noticed that I had a lot of the symptoms ... but luckily, there was also a factor that would rule me out - so I looked up stuff with similar symptoms. Okay ... so I don't have hypertension because my blood pressure is normal. I don't have Type 2 Diabetes because I'm already on blood sugar medicine, and something like that would have showed up in my last blood test, too ...
Well, common migraines seems to be it ...
So ...
Yeah ...
Time for me to go, so I'm out of here ...
I'll write more later.
Love you guys.
Blessed be.

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