Listening to: \"Motorcrash\" - The Sugarcubes
Feeling: blasphemous
I still hate this country.
All of those men and women died to give us all of these freedoms ... and slowly, little by little, each freedom is being taken away. All of those people, giving their lives because they believed in a country to have freedom in everything - where people have freedom of religion, speech, CHOICE ... and gradually that freedom is fading ... and this country is turning so very slowly into a beaurocracy instead of a democracy. Only the few have a voice - especially if they have money - and if you have enough of it, you get your way for EVERYTHING. Belong to a prestigious and favored group, get what you want.
Unfortunately, a vast majority of the American public doesn't fit into this category ... or even VOTE for that matter.
VOTE, PEOPLE!!! JUST FUCKING VOTE, GODDAMN IT! Get to know your current issues and shit - don't be ignorant. Democracy is run by the people - but only if the people get out and fucking DO SOMETHING. Either vote, or run for office - or even better, do both! No one knows what the people need better than the people.
I'm all for a socialist democracy personally. I'll talk about that another time.
As for the whole censorship thing: If you keep censoring everything that children come in contact with, how do you think they're going to act once they get into the real world and are FACED with shit like this? They'll be completely ignorant of the world and everything around them. Think you're doing something great by sheltering them and "protecting" them? You're not. You're fucking them up for a harsh future.
Censorship? All I have to say to that is - if you don't like it, don't listen to it, don't watch it and don't read it. It's that simple - it's called FREEDOM of CHOICE, people. Also known as the FIRST AMENDMENT.

- Seth