Listening to: Typing
Feeling: chipper
No dreams to report ... no time, no time.
No sleep either.
Damn ghost.
I really am starting to get attached to him.
Last time I went across the street to the computer lab, I got back in to the apartment late. Shannon was the only one there because David had to work, and the next morning she was telling me about how much trouble she was having sleeping - she slept with the lights on - because she was scared of the ghost ... and she said she was just fine until I said something about it right before leaving.
Poor Shannon.
Anyway, I would have been online last night, but I had a job interview this morning around 7 AM ... well, it was supposed to be between 6 and 8 this morning. And I got little sleep last night, so I was loaded on cherry Coke ... don't ask me how I started liking that stuff. I think it's because of Shannon, she's fucking addicted ... and that child will grow to be a Cherry Coke version of a crack baby.
So, the interview I had was for Winn-Dixie here ... and yes, my friends, they have a policy in which no out of date foods are stocked - period. They don't have mark offs for food that is out of date because, my friends, it simply isn't supposed to be on the shelves at all.
So there.
I get there just before 7:00, have to take this computerized personality test, and I finish it, walk back to the office, and immediately the manager (Karen) has me fill out paperwork.
I'm hired on the spot.
I rule.
But ... you know ... I didn't even have an interview ...
Same thing really happened at TGIFriday's ... I didn't have an interview really, and was pretty much hired on the spot.
But at least I'm getting paid $6.30 an hour ... witch is totally fine with me. Karen said "I noticed that you put $5.45 as your starting wage. All of our employees start off at $6.30, would that be a problem for you?" I love her sarcasm - she's just funny.
But I'm having the hardest time determining if her eyes are really green or if it's just contacts because ... because ... they just jump out at me. But they're beautiful.
I think I'm developing Tourette's or something ... I have this eyetwitch that is uncontrollable and every now and then I'll have full body jerks suddenly for no reason - and "meow" just out of the blue.
Go figure.
But anyway, I got the job, so I'm feeling a little better. Just tired. I skipped doing my homework to nap ... and ... I have to write an autobiography by September 2nd and ... how the fuck am I supposed to write an autobiography by September 2nd?
I miss Lindsay. I didn't get to talk to her last night ... and I only have an hour and 20 minutes left until I have to leave tonight ... I really hate it when I have to do this stuff. Stupid no time ... time!
In any case, I love you, Lindsay ... I'll talk to you soon. Thanks for writing to me ... thank you!
I was really a diary of the moment?!
I feel so honored ...
I'm going to catch up on school e-mails now.
Blessed be.

I hope that ghost gives you a break too, mine have gotten scared of me because I leave the lights on. But then they like me because I leave Evanescence on for them too, so they aren't alone.
Take care.