Yeah ... so ... I didn't get the job at the insurance agency ...
Oh well.
They said that they decided to go with someone else, but wanted to keep my resume on file. I said "sure" ... I'm just having a bad day. And you know what? I don't really care. It can stay bad for all I care, I don't give a fuck. I just want it to end already.
If I roleplay tonight, it would definitely be an Aidan night (for those of you reading this who know what -that- means). I could probably pull off a Joe - but it would be an apathetic-not-so-much-fun-Joe.
I'm going out tomorrow to hunt for some more jobs - hopefully that temp agency is still hiring that Kelley's working for.
Yeah, I did take a nap, and I woke up with this big-band/broadway musical-type song in my head that went something like "Hunny, how I've misled that man/he took my words and misread them again."
I thought it was weird. It sounded like something you'd hear in Chicago or Gypsy or ... something.
Anyway ... I'm tired. I don't know what else to write, so I'm just going to linger online for a while.
Find your Role-Playing
Stereotype at
((Ah HAHAHAHAHA! ... ha ... ha ... yeah. I think that's almost like Joe ... kind of ...))

You are LARVA from "Vampire Princess
ANIME QUIZ - Which Anime Vampire Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
((I ... guess ...))

You are Kowaru Nagisa from "Evangelion"!
You are BACKSTABBING evil.
ANIME QUIZ - Which Evil Anime Badass Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
((Meh ... I'm not a backstabber, but I really did love Kaworu. He was my favorite character. See, what this little "results" thing left out was that Kaworu actually had a change of heart after falling in love with Shinji - and in order to prevent third impact and killing off nearly all of the human race, he asks Shinji to kill him. Very sad - because Shinji is, of course, torn with the idea of killing his best friend and ... well ... there's 60 seconds of Beethoven's Ninth and ... yeah, it's very sad. Technically, Kaworu was a good guy. See how this works out?))

'problems' is putting it mildly, but im not going to launch into an explanation because you shouldnt have to go through it. heh.
anyway. sorry about the job...perhaps theyll ring you some other time. :)
take care,
just life.
~wing~ (tooooo tried to sign in)