Listening to: violins ...
Feeling: angry
Had someone leave an anonymous note on my Nathan Carter entry.
You know ... I don't think this person actually read it, or even really understands the concept of it all.
Anonymous has stated that he/she thinks it's sweet that Melissa "likes" him but that he has a real life and doesn't even know she exists.
I think that Anonymous has failed to see the point of this post.
The title of this journal is "Lucid Dreams." This journal is meant to post dreams and interpretations thereof. People think I'm crazy when I say that people do, in fact, share dreams. But they do. I've witnessed this - people talking about their dreams and not only I remember having the same dream, but also being there, understanding and being able to build on to what they are telling.
Paranormal Phenomena.
I posted that entry for Melissa on the faint and very slim chance that he might read it - and realize that he had, maybe, perhaps, had a similar dream or had actually shared the dream with her. This is not uncommon. No, it is not.
Melissa is not obsessed, she is not crushing on, nor is she infatuated with Mr. Carter in any way. In fact, I think the only celebrity she has ever crushed on is Daniel Johns of Silverchair, and that's been an ongoing thing since middle school - which was, oh, June of 1995. So you see, it's not some kind of school-girl, "sweet," "aww look at that," teeny-bopper crush. She and I are both deeply into dreams, what they mean, how they mean ... are we all connected in some way? We are curious people.
And does it not come off as strange that she knew his name without ever watching the show? That she'd been having dreams of him since she was a kid? Just because someone is quasi-famous, doesn't mean he's not succeptible to this sort of phenomena.
Melissa hasn't shared any dreams about him for a while, but I don't think she's been having any, really. Her sleeping schedule has been a little messed up this past month, and she's been pulling a lot of third shifts.
I feel sorry for Melissa ... I do. Especially after all that has happened.
I think that Anonymous shouldn't post such immature comments, considering the situation.
No, I'm not in a good mood.
No, I'm not happy.
I'm a wreck.
Most everyone knows it.
Read Reverie's diary, an entry entitled "Death" and yes, you will understand why.
Normally, I don't care about comments like the one from Anonymous - but they do aggrivate me tremendously when the person commenting has missed the point.
I'm not going to apologize for the hostility of this entry.
It's my journal.
And I have every right to be fucking hostile right now.
I just wish ... that whomever else reads the Nathan Carter entries, will please be serious in considering their responses.
I beg you.
Read and comprehend, don't just assume.
"Look BEYOND the wall."
And, Mr. Carter ... if you're out there, and you read either of these entries ... thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
... now go away, unless you have something important and meaningful to say.

erm...... goodnight :)
-loving quality-
do you believe in de ja vu?