Listening to: Emotion Sickness - Silverchair
Feeling: stressed
I don't remember last night's dreams. Just little fragments here and there.
I remember being in some small, middle-aged man's house ... and I remember that I wasn't supposed to be there. I was doing something while he was asleep and I didn't want to be caught by him. I was turning something on, or doing something that had to be done in a certain sequence in this certain room, but I was so afraid of being caught that I was in such a hurry that I messed up and had to start over, even though I didn't have time to finish it. I remember getting out before he saw my face, though - which was the point. He wasn't supposed to see my face under any circumstances.
And that's all I remember.
Sorry for all of you people I know who love to read my dreams and whatnot.
On to more pressing matters.
I slept forever. I went to bed around 12:30 - and for some reason David hasn't been enforcing his new "11 o'clock bedtime" rule. Which is odd. I don't know what's going on. Anyway, it took me almost 4 hours to fall asleep ... no biggie, though. I mean, my mind felt like it was working overtime for some reason. I wake up around noon thirty (that's 12:30 for you people who don't speak Glover slang) due to a massive clap of thunder - I thought the entire Apartment building was going to be toppled onto its side. Everything shook, and it was so loud, I didn't know what to think about anything! What a way to wake up, huh?
I mean, it was such a startling way to wake up that not only did my eyes open, but I screamed and within a second I was standing on my mattress (need I remind you that my mattress is on the floor due to my gravity conflict). David came running into my room asking me what happened. And before I knew it, I'd fallen down due to a dizzy spell and he'd caught me. (I get dizzy spells/headrushes when I'm awakened suddenly and get out of bed without adjusting.) Gravity and I just haven't been getting along lately.
Anyway, David dragged me into the living room - where he's thoughtfully placed my swinging chair (since I wasn't awake to bring it in before the rain started) and he set me in that telling me how I look white as a ghost. I was shaking and everything. He offered to make me lunch and I just couldn't ... talk. It's not that I'd lost my voice, it's just that I was so dumbfounded by how I woke up that I hadn't regained the ability to speak yet, much less form coherent sentences. So all he got from me for the next five minutes or so where little whimpers. And I just curled myself up in my chair, hugging my legs really, really tight, and just sort of rocked there for a little while until he brought me lunch/breakfast - which consisted of the usual "haven't had food in the last 14 hours" meal of a peanutbutter and grape jelly sandwich on wheat with a glass of milk. (Why, do you ask? Because David's known for the last four years - since I told him after having psychology class - that such a meal has all of the protein and amino acids the body needs for one day ... you should feed a starving person a peanutbutter and grape jelly sandwich on wheat with a glass of milk - it would perk them up. Home remedies, my friends.)
I ate, and I rocked, and I listened to the storm outside, and the whole time he was trying to get me to say something or cheer me up or something - and then he turns on the weather channel to see what sort of weather we'll be having, but there's commercials on ...
And I talked, the first thing I said all day was "Thunderstorms all week."
And he looked at me and said "What?"
I just said "'til Sunday."
"How do you know that?"
"Just do." And I went on eating my sandwich. And yeah ... I was right - weather channel said so.
I haven't talked about it to many people at all, but I have this gift to just ... -know- what the weather is going to do. I can stop tornadoes just by thinking it. You people won't believe me, I don't expect you to - but it's happened. Several times. David believes me. He's even made me do it a couple of times for him to prove it ... and I did ... I don't want to get into that now. I've talked about this before in this journal, haven't I? The whole "weather witch" thing? Yeah ... I'm sure it's in there somewhere.
Anyway ... I don't really feel like writing anymore. I've been meaning to post the second part of Dictator, haven't been keeping up with that, have I? Sucks ... I'm just ... not in the mood to do any of this right now or to talk about anything. I'm going to seclude myself in the living room. David's leaving in a little while to go hang out with Shannon ... so ... I'll be home alone. Sure, it means quiet on a stormy afternoon.
I like stormy afternoons.
I'm ... going to curl up and watch some TV now.
Blessed be.
