This is a random post - that really doesn't have to do with anything. But, I just wanted to say, that a friend has just accomplished one of the greatest things ...
Vickie Natale ...
... has just won the Star Search finals.
I'm ... more than estatic right now. I'm teary-eyed, and bubbling over with melty-ness. Yes, I'm crying with joy right now. I'm very proud of you, Vickie. And yes, dreams really can come true. I'm happy for you. Good luck in your future.
On another note ...
A buddy on AIM just gave me the name of Kiyoshi. Why? She says it means "quiet child" in Japanese.
I guess I am a little quiet ...
Well, a lot quiet.
I guess it's fitting.
Nevertheless, at the moment, I'm having writer's block, so I'm off to roleplay. Hoorah.
"Before you judge someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes; that way, when you do judge them, you're a mile away and have their shoes."

your fuck.
What swear word are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Once again, I will never get anything accomplished because quizzes like this EXIST.
On another note, have you ever just sort of watched a clear glass, half-full of a carbonated beverage ... and just stared at it for a while, watching the bubbles ... then left it alone for about an hour, came back, and watched it some more, and realize that there's still bubbles rising?
How does it do that?