Listening to: Tim McGraw - Live Like You Are Dying
You know what? I'm in a really, very good mood. I had a good time and a lot of my shit is working itself out.
I feel good.
I feel this overwhelming sense of peace about myself and the world around me ... I have come back feeling more enlightened than before.
I met one of the Dream People while I was there, too. Winifred (from the entry Electric Candles) ... it was very cool. I'll have to talk about that next time.
I'm not really going to talk much about my retreat right now, but I will drop in a massive entry about it now and then, I can tell you that.
Right now, I just thought I would drop everyone a line to let them know that I'm back and I feel great. I had an amazing, soul-strengthening, life-changing experience.
I like country music. Yes, I admit it. After working here long enough, I've been drawn back into it ... and I just like it. There are plenty of great songs out there. I like it. If you have a problem with that, then tough ... you don't here me criticizing your music, do you? I can now honestly say that I am very well-rounded in my tastes of music, and this makes me happy.
Country music makes me feel good ... as do Oldies.
And tomorrow ... er ... today ... er ... *sigh* Saturday, we're watching all three Lord of the Rings movies ... YAY! I'll be sleeping for about half of the first one, considering they are starting at noon ... and since I'm pulling an all-nighter at the station and won't be getting home until about 7 AM, I think that I'm entitled for a little sleep. Besides ... do you have ANY idea how many times I've watched Fellowship?
I don't even know.
Hokay - so! I'm on my way now to record some more weathers and deal with the psycho transmitter as well as that awesome listener that keeps calling back ... he's REALLY cool. Ah ... it's after 2 AM, he might have gone to bed by now ... actually, I wouldn't be surprised if he calls back around 5 AM ...
Here's to all of you beautiful people. I hope you all have happy, beautiful and wonderful lives!
Blessed be.

Besides well-rounded people do alot better than closed-minded people so you're good to go..
Nice to see you enjoying yourself for once lovey...way to go for you!