Listening to: Peter Gunn Theme
Feeling: achy
I'm feeling a little better. I can move. It still hurts a bit to stand up and sit down, but at least I don't have to waddle to walk, you know?
Soaking was good for me. And it helped me just ... melt away a lot of my worries and stresses and ... yeah. It's good for more than just relaxing the sore muscles. I got Shannon's mom's herb pillow today. I haven't had the chance to try it out yet, but it smells very nice.
Very very nice.
So ... the diabetes discussion went over well in class, I think. I don't know how my group was evaluated, but I started out by apologizing if I seemed slow to respond due to the fall I had Tuesday night.
I made the class laugh a few times. Especially when we were talking about how diabetes caused nerve damage in the feet, thereby causing amputation - and I told the class room that it can cause damage in the nerves that cause penile erection.
And that would suck, wouldn't it? The guys having to cut off their penises ...
Aww yeah ... that had the guys cringing and going "ohhhhhhhh my god!" and "no no no no no!" followed by hoots of laughter. I even got a "I'd rather die" from one of them.
Ah ... and Christine and I singled out Conrad for talking while we were talking. She said "Conrad? There something you want to say?" And I said, "Yes, Conrad. Do you have something you'd like to share with the rest of the class?" People were laughing - it was a good thing. I love to make people laugh.
It makes me feel so good.
Because laughter is a beautiful thing, and actually very healthy because, not only does it release a chemical in the brain to make you feel good, but it's also great exercise.
There was much discussion in the class ... and I'm glad, because diabetes is a serious thing. A very serious thing. An estimated 16 million Americans have Type 2 Diabetes and don't know it, and that's very frightening. It's the silent killer, and no one is safe - it could happen to anyone, so the best thing to do is to stay in shape and live a healthy life style and ...
... yeah, you could just go to to look up this stuff, if you think you are at risk. There's a good risk test thing there, too. I know I'm in very high risk right now, but luckily I'm seeing doctors about it and other things right now.
Well, that's that. I've updated - I'm still in a little bit of pain, but I'm doing much better. Soaking is good and my group's leading of discussion went over very well.
I'm going to go now, since my shift at the campus station is up - and go home, suck on some green tea, and watch the stars before I pass out in bed.
Okay ... that being said, I apologize for the fact that my entry wasn't up to par, but I'm slightly distracted, goddamnit. I'm at work.
But I love you all.
And my lovely. I miss my lovely. I'm going through withdrawals again. Write to me, okay?
Take care and blessed be.

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