This is the first part of that "Dreams of a Dictator" thing I was talking about - the stories from when I was a freshman in college (when I was 18) and I was having these strange dreams so I started basing these little short stories on them. A lot of them have no transition - in fact, I don't think any of them do. They're just choppy, really, but I think you can pretty much get the jist of what's going on. Why am I posting these? Because "the Alexander" - whom you will meet in the next one - describes Evan to a "t" ...
Here it goes ... the first part of "Dictator" ...
Dictator Part One
Nathaniel lived in a forest cottage. Though detached from the town, he still went from time to time to watch the people. The townspeople saw Nathaniel differently than he saw himself, for they thought of him as the quiet, observer type who never meant to cause harm – but they always knew something was different about him, that he was not like them, and so always kept their distance.
This young man, on the other hand, might have known that he would not cause any harm, but he saw himself as someone seeking answers. He felt lost.
Nathaniel was a small, gentle person with black hair that just barely grazed his neck with its tips. This thin, pale young man with green eyes has a secret, but something was preventing him from exposing that secret.
Nathaniel had amnesia.
The three months that the townsfolk knew him were the only months of Nathaniel’s life that he could remember. When he came into town, he would watch the children play and often wonder “was I ever like that? Will I be like that?â€
Nathaniel lived alone in his cottage and though he did not know how he got there, or even if the home was truly his, he treated it as his home. He’d become a recluse. Every day he would sit at the window and watch the birds for they were his only company.
The leaves were changing colors, the nights growing colder when Nathaniel next went to town. He felt that it was he, now, being watched as he observed the children playing – and this made him uneasy. Now and then he would glance around, trying to find an extra pair of eyes set on him, but always came with nothing. He returned to watching the children play on the swings.
Distracted again by the feel of eyes on him, he turned his head – distracted just long enough to hear a child scream.
His attention jerked back in just enough time to see the child standing in the street holding a ball, and the car speeding toward her, trying to slam on its break. He didn’t think.
Instantly, his hand rose on instinct, and move in a swift motion – the child’s body seemed to follow the movements – the small frame jerking to her father’s arms instead of the car’s bumper. And as others stared at the girl in wonder as she cried in her father’s arms, Nathaniel stared at his palm in disbelief. Had he done this?
Through the confusion, he escaped – sly, smiling eyes watching him all the while.
Colonel Creighton was a frighteningly large, muscular man. His soldiers often wondered how his uniform managed to fit such a humongous body. One such soldier was Julius, who now spoke to his commanding officer via radio.
“Found one,†he proclaimed in a hushed tone, watching a small young man run off into the trees. “He’s in Alabaster.â€
The colonel’s lips curled into a devious smirk. “Bring him in.â€
“Yes, sir.â€
Nathaniel sat alone on his porch steps – alone, as he always did. Clouds loomed overhead, but held no threat of rain. The sun, beyond the grey, was starting to set and the birds were having their last meal of the day before retreating to their nests. But Nathaniel just sat, staring at his hand, wondering what had happened …
From the trees came a far off “meow.†He blinked, coming out of his trance-like state, rising to his feet as he looked off into the trees. Again came the “meow.†He took a few steps from the porch – what was this sound? Something in the back of his mind told him it was a small, furry animal known as a cat. For some reason, the word “cat†seemed familiar to him. Another “meow†came as he stepped closer still to the edge of the lawn.
Then from behind him, he heard another sound – but this sounded as someone slowly beating upon a metal pot. He was confused. Again, he heard the “meow†then the pot – and soon another sound joined in to the rhythm – a man shouting “hey!†Louder and louder these sounds grew until Nathaniel could feel his heart pounding in his ears.
He suddenly took off running toward the cottage, an overwhelming sense of dread washing over him. Dashing toward the door, he was grabbed harshly from behind by someone he could not see. A hand cupped his mouth, covering both that and his nose with a cloth holding a strange scent …
Nathaniel wanted to scream as he was caught, but the man’s grip wouldn’t allow it. “Gotcha!†he shouted, a few other voices laughing in the distance. Dizziness over came the young Nathaniel, eyes blurring as he saw dark figures approach … and then, all was gone – Nathaniel was unconscious in a matter of seconds.
“I told you my strategy would make this piece of cake,†said one of the soldiers as he lifted the unconscious youth’s feet, taking him into his arms. “Piece. Of. Cake.â€
A deep, mechanical voice sounded. “Wake up.â€
Nathaniel winced, his head throbbing from pain. So strange, he couldn’t feel anything else – until a faint pulse enveloped his small body, as if coaxing him awake. The voice came again.
“Wake up.â€
Same as before, same tone, only a slight increase in volume …
Another pulse – a little stronger this time …
Again, the voice sounded, another notch louder, but still holding the same tone as before – as though it was a computer – but the words were different. “Can you hear me? Can you understand me?†It felt as if the voice was resonating from somewhere within himself. Yes, he could hear it. Yes, he understood it. But he could not find the will to speak. His head turned slightly to the side …
Nathaniel felt a painful pull in his neck. Again, he winced – his eyes opened.
Wherever he was, the room was bathed in a cold, indigo light. Gradually, feeling started to return to his body. He was sitting in something. His head moved again, hazed green eyes looking about. He was sitting in a chair, connected to his large metal machine that seemed to engulf his small frame. From his body came wires and tubes, trailing from the main veins of his arms, some in his chest, but most importantly, he felt the four in his neck. And though he felt that he could not move, he was overcome with panic – though the dazed outside of the body did not show it.
His mind was frantic, screaming things like “where am I? What happened? Why am I like this?†He closed his eyes tightly. Once more, the voice came, the volume having lowered to its original volume. “Calm down.†Nathaniel’s breathing became ragged as he attempted to calm himself. “You can hear me?†he asked, though not speaking.
“Yes,†the voice came.
“How? Who are you?â€
“I am the SEDA. The Solomon Extra-sensory Detector-A. I am the computer you are connected to, an artificial intelligence designed to adapt to your conditions and serve as an inhibitor. I am able to monitor all of your bodily functions, including your thoughts. Do not worry. No one else can hear us.â€
“Where am I?â€
“You are in a facility owned by the KEN faction.â€
“The KEN faction is a group of soldiers who rebel against the great power.â€
“Why am I here?â€
“The KEN faction needs you to work with them.â€
“Me?†he asked, becoming frantic again. “Why me? I can’t help them! What can I …â€
“Calm down.â€
“I can’t –“
Another pulse rocked his body, but with a comforting resonance – as though set on just the right frequency to create a pitch that harmonized with his mind. Within seconds, Nathaniel was pacified once again.
The voice spoke, “You are of a special breed of creatures. You hold powers that they do not, and they see that as beneficial to their cause.â€
“Yes. You may not remember, but you do have powers. I am here to help you use them. Just as the creature before you.â€
“What happened to the creature before me?â€
“He was killed.â€
Another wave of panic was met with SEDA’s calming pulse once more.
“I’m not different! I’m not! I’m not a creature! I’m a person! I’m a person!â€
Another pulse.
Nathaniel exhaled slowly his body gradually falling limp as SEDA spoke again. “Remember the child you helped. That was a small piece of your power. I am here to help you.â€
“Please don’t kill me … I don’t want to die …â€
“Do not be afraid. I will protect you. I am here to help you.â€
“Please, SEDA …â€
“What is your name?â€
His mind was quiet a moment before he answered weakly, “Nathaniel.â€
“Nathaniel,†SEDA repeated the name. It was then that the youth felt something brush against his right hand. His eyes opened, and through the haze he saw a small mess of coated wires graze his hand, lightly curling around it, his fingers – then he felt another batch of wires coil around the chair, around his torso, holding him … as if SEDA was trying to impersonate human touch, a human hand, a human embrace.
“I am here for you, Nathaniel.â€
As he closed his eyes, the young man heard a door open. Gradual, the wires started to shrink back until gone once again, but that comforting pulse did wave through Nathaniel’s small frame once again before another voice was heard.
“Is he awake, SEDA?â€
“Yes, Colonel,†the deep, mechanical voice said – Nathaniel could hear this, no longer coming from inside himself, but through his ears …
“I have a mission for him.†The sounds of typing, of buttons being pushed and switches clicking filled the air. “The Alexander. I want him dead. Now. Have him destroy Quartz Base.â€
“Yes, Colonel.â€
Nathaniel’s thoughts traveled to the computer. “I don’t want to kill anyone, SEDA.â€
SEDA’s voice resonated in his mind. “I know this and it makes you a curious creature. Your species thrives on destruction.â€
“I don’t want to kill anyone.â€
For a brief moment, wires lightly grazed against Nathaniel’s cheek as the sound of the door closing rang through the room.
“You have to.â€
((Thanks to Wing for this quiz.))

cold.. or are you?
Find out what bishonen you are.
((Yeah ... I knew it! Kira, always my favorite, always shall be. I loveth thee, so much Lucifer. I worship thee - but it would be like worshipping myself, given we are so much alike. Heh. I love Kaori Yuki, too, she is so wonderfully talented and creative. At last! Another quiz for me! Though, I wouldn't say that I'm cold, but I DO "appear cool and calm but really have many emotions bottled inside." Oh yes ... this is me.
Maybe I do seem a little cold sometimes, though ...))
More to come later.

Blessed be.
till death,