Listening to: Mental Maelstrom - Mortis
Feeling: appreciated
Yeah ... I lost my entry again. I'm just supid for not copying and pasting. My own fault.
Ah, well ... I don't really feel like typing it out again, so ... I'll just leave it for another time. I've found that when I write about certain subjects, I tend to forget to copy and paste, thus losing the entry together - and I've come to understand that maybe it's because I shouldn't be talking about things like that and something is preventing me from talking about them ... so I don't.
... that, or maybe I'm just a schizoid.
On a lighter note, Sarah just said that I was pretty.
In a boyish way.
Made me blush, yes ... thank you. *smile*
I had a dream last night. Lindsay was in it - the real Lindsay, not the dream Niveus Lindsay. I don't remember much of it, just flashes here and there. We were in a place I didn't recognize ... so what else is new, right? And I had this over-bearing want to protect her ... from something, I don't remember what. There were LOTS of people around, people I didn't know or recognize at all. So what else is new?
And, in the dream, at some point, one of my bottom cuspids fell out. Just like that - no impact or anything, it just ... fell out - and I could feel pain, I could taste blood. But no one seemed to notice anything. but I looked at the tooth in my hand, but it didn't look like a tooth. It was red, not from blood ... it looked like a ruby. A small ruby in my hand, probably no bigger than half a centimeter.
And that's all I remember of the dream.
I looked it up - teeth, rubies, and red - in my dream directory. I don't think the situation I was in was a potentially embarrassing one, nor did I feel embarrassed when my tooth fell out, so that just pretty much ruled out the meaning of "teeth" - unless I had some sort of physical sensation while I was sleeping - like, pain or something from grinding down. I do have sensitive teeth, after all.
As for red - I've had many dreams with red - I don't think this is a positive meaning dream, so I'm going with that it means something along the line of carnality, humiliation, or physical injury ... which, it probably does.
As for ruby ... "dreaming of rubies is often a dream of wealth, power, and energy. The ruby is viewed as the crystal of leadership and kings."
Does this mean, that since I lost this ruby tooth or whatever, that I've lost my leadership as well? My power and kingship?
Or is it the other way around?
In that I didn't know that I had a ruby tooth, and that it just fell out like that into my hand, letting itself be known, is it that someone somewhere was trying to tell me that I AM a leader, or a king of sorts? That I DO have power and energy and all of that?
I ... don't know. I just don't know what to think of this dream.
But I do know that I'm very hungry right now. So I'm going to go fix myself some food. Yes, I am.
Take care and blessed be.
I'm A Monster - by Ours
Am I a bad guy?
Am I a bad soul?
My eyes roll backward
My head fell forward
We want the vampires
They want the daylight
Undecided if we will feel it
All the lies and fantasies I picked to deny what is right
as the lawyers lie down to the sound of a broken man clinging
to the legs of a butterfly.
We live to see our children die,
turn to the bright to describe what we never will find,
I'm a monster singing through the side of a left eye
And I will pay for, and I will pay for,
I couldn't have her,I couldn't save her,
If I could grab on, I'd pull away the ......
All the lies and fantasies I picked to deny what is right
as the lawyers lie down to the sound of a broken man clinging
to the legs of a butterfly, of a butterfly
We live to see our children die,
turn to the light to describe what we never will find,
I'm a vampire clinging to the sounds for a fast high.
All the lies and fantasies I picked to describe what is right
as the lawyers lie down to the sound of a broken man clinging
to the legs of a butterfly.
I live to see our children die,
turn to the bright to describe what we never will find,
I'm a monster singing through the sigh of a left high.

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