It's 7:00 AM ... why am I up, showered, dressed and ... not at home? Because, my friends, I'm at work.
And no, I didn't sleep well. And sitting in this small, windowless padded room while pushing buttons and talking into a microphone on occasion with Perry ... I'm finding it difficult to find more and more ways to stay awake.
Must stay awake.
Hey - at least there's free coffee.
The fact that there is a computer in here doesn't mean jackshit. Nothing to do on it except write an entry about how tired and bored I am in between sets. No one to talk to online because no one in their right mind is up this early -
And what's worse, the maintenance guys have the air-conditioning company coming in and re-insulating the ... whatever those giant accordion tubes are called ... and I thought they were supposed to be doing that last summer ... when it was brought to my attention that it needed new insulation because the old was falling off.
Huh ... who would have thought? Guess they're just now getting around to it.
Regardless, it's very loud and annoying. But they'll be done before I have to leave.
At least I have Perry here ... and his incessant ... SILENCE to keep me awake. This is shaping up to be a not-so-good day, especially since the noise and lack of a good sleep is starting to give me a headache.
I'll write again once I've gone home and had a nice, looooooooooooooong nap.
Blessed be.

P.S. Ever notice how much easier it is to be someone else - to be something you're not around strangers? Maybe you're just afraid to show the real you, maybe you're afraid they won't like who you are - so you put on a mask or a persona and make yourself someone else, someone that people will like, before they can judge you.
I have a lot of fun being Baxter the DJ - because no one but my co-workers, my brother and close friends, and that guy at the convenience store down the street know who I really am (he figured it out just by listening to me talk for a while, really), what I really look like ... what I'm really like, you know? All those other people - the listeners, they just know me as Baxter, a voice on the radio, a really cool, witty guy who has excellent taste in rock but sounds like a twelve-year-old kid. In fact, I've gotten many-a-call where listeners ask something along the lines of "Hey, Baxter? How old are you? Really?" Once, when I was working a morning shift, a woman called in just to ask me why I wasn't at school. Another time, I was working the night-shift and this woman called in saying something about "isn't it illegal to have you working this late?"
Yes, lady - in fact, my parents named me after their favorite cartoon/comic book character, Baxter the Fly, from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. (Actually, I just had to come up with a name at the spur of a moment - it's kind of like just having a handle on a radio, you know? Just a name that people can know you by, without being your real name - it's for protection and coolness purposes. Baxter just popped in my head, and I've been stuck with it ever since. I like it. It's a fun name.)
Instead of finding this annoying or a problem, my boss found it funny, and it became somewhat of a running gag - and now he laughs his ass off every time I get a call like that. I've become Baxter the wonder kid or something. We got to talking on air in between sets - and I got into some technical, deep, philosophical stuff about colors and how we perceive them - and a lady called in saying I sounded very sophisticated and intelligent for my age.
Uhm ... yeah.
It really is easier to be someone else when people have no idea who you are.
People seem to like you more when you're not you. And you seem to get more attention when you're not you. You seem more popular when you're not you. People like you more, give you attention, praise you, do things for you, think more highly of you ... when they don't know who you really are ... when you're pretending to be someone else.
I wonder ... why that is.

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((Aww ... thanks.))
Just thought I'd rant a little there... take care.