Listening to: Miss Independent - Kelly Clarkson
Feeling: cheery
I can't believe it! I just spoke got back from class and on my way in, I ran into the guy who lives in the apartment above me - he was sitting on his truck with his son (who's, like, 8, I think) and I asked him what they were doing, and he said that they were watching the hawk that was living under the rise in the little attic circle vent thing under the roof. I asked him if he knew what species it was, and he said that it was a full-grown male red-tail.
Oh ... my god.
He said that his son noticed the hawk Sunday afternoon when he was out playing, and that they've been keeping a watch on it since then. He said that he hopes that it stays - so do I - I hope that the landlords don't make it go away, you know, or call the department of wildlife or anything - I want the hawk to stay. If he's happy, you know, I say that we let him stay.
I told Sean (the kid) to let me know when they thought of a name for him.
This makes me happy.
Happy with the knowledge that a Red-tailed hawk is living in the same building as I am, on its own accord, and found a home in the same place that I call -my- home.
Maybe we'll become friends ... somehow.
This is so ... just ... wow. It's wonderful. I'm so extremely happy right now. In fact, there's so many other emotions wrapped up in this happiness that I feel that I just ... I can't describe it. MY bird - MY spirit animal - living so close to me.
Warm and fuzzy, my friends ... warm and fuzzy.
I guess I just ... really need him right now ... maybe. Maybe that's why he's here. This is a perfect time for him to come ... actually, any time would be a perfect time for him to come. I'm just so happy he's here!
Blessed be!

~ kesshotai