You're Sumeragi Subaru!
Angst, betrayal, and perhaps large floating sakura petals seem to follow you everywhere. And yet, through all the psychological anguish that characterizes your life, you still manage to be so much prettier than everyone else. Don't trust tall, dark and handsome men in sunglasses, no matter how sexy they may be.
Which Dragon of Heaven are you?
Quiz by Kerianne
((Why am I NOT suprised? Do I look surprised? This me being not surprised. *looks innocent* ... just a little Iago ... Aladdin humor ... there ... heh ... eh ... yeah. I changed just one answer when I went back to retake it ... and I got Arashi. I like Arashi. Quiet, strong ... yeah. She's cool, too ... she's more like me than Subaru, I think ... I mean, I'm not THAT angsty. I love Subaru and all, he's my favorite character, but ... yeah. I'm not really all that surprised ...)) ______________________________________________________________

Your magical style is Psychic.
What type of Magic do you work?. Take the Magical Style Quiz by Paradox ((Mm hmm ... though one of the results was "wiccan" I lean more toward this one - and it -is- my result. I mean, I freak people out sometimes with the "abilities" I have ... I do. Some people think the "abilities" are cool, others are just down-right scared of me. I read people - what they want, who they are, their goals, their personalities - all within the first five minutes of meeting them. I finish people's sentences - even find words for them when I don't even have context clues to guide me. People come to me, just to talk. Like, today. I went out. Yes, I went out - just walked down the street a little bit while David was gone and went to Emily's house. I hadn't been there before and they (Emily, Shelley, Annie, and Kelley) just moved in Saturday afternoon - they're not even a block away from my apartment now. I wanted to get out of the apartment and I wanted to see their house so I brought them a house-warming gift - a strawberry pie. (I had to do SOMETHING, okay? I know I'm still sick, but I just HAD to do something.) And Emily was the only one there, so we just sat and talked - and talked - well, she did all of the talking. Within three minutes she was telling me all of this stuff, just venting her stress - everything to me ... and we're not even THAT close - I mean, she's just someone I saw on occasion and has been really helpful with the Players and all, works at the bookstore - but she always tells me everything ... but there she was, just having me sit in her living room with her, just telling me everything that's bothering her ... And I don't mind it. Really, I don't. I'm just happy that she's letting it all out to somebody instead of keeping it all bottled-up inside, you know? When she was done, she even apologized to me. She said "I'm sorry for venting on you." And I told her that I didn't mind it at all. And I don't. What does bother me, though, is when a major problem has arisen between friends - and I'm a friend of both of them, and stuck in the middle - and friends get friends on their sides, and there's little me, stuck in the middle, listening to everyone's side day in and day out ... same thing over and over ... But ... yeah ... people come to me and talk to me about every little thing, problem, whatever - even if they hardly know me. David thinks I should be an Ambassador for the UN. I've thought about it. Aside from the whole charismatic, magnetic personality thing, sometimes I can also see things before they happen - or I know what's going to happen next. I can see through people. I'm also "incredibly smart" as some people would say ... and I just say, to balance out my intelligence, I'm also "unbelievably naive." Yes ... I am. Enough of this. Next quiz.)) ___________________________________________________________________

You are a dark writer. A fierce and loyal follower
of Poe and the other gothic authors, you LOVE
to instill a sense of revulsion and somewhat
fear in your readers. You love to poke their
brains with logic dealing with the darker side
of the human mind and character. Truly
surprising and a true individual, you'll do
ANYTHING to create a scene. :)
What's YOUR Writing Style?
brought to you by Quizilla ((No comment ... really ... except that I thought myself as more of a descriptive/psychological/individual writer kind of person. This Quiz was stupid anyway. Only three questions? You can't find out what kind of writer someone is by only three questions ...)) _______________________________________________________________ Last One ...

you are "the heroine", you kick ass chick
you. if you're a guy and you got this, buff up
a little hey?
What fairy tale cliche are you?
brought to you by Quizilla ((Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha)) Yeah, just end ... 16 DAYS UNTIL MIDSUMMER CELEBRATION!!!