Oh shit ...
I just realized something.
That mark on my hand ...
When I was writing on my novel (you know, the 5-book series that I've been working on since 8th grade) back in high school, I came up with the "star" insignia - because the evil emporer's name is Star, his whole empire is to have this insignia around it - on tapestries, uniforms, buildings, automobiles, flags, whatever. Whoever wore this insignia, displayed that they were loyal or worked for, or were a member of the StarClass - which was Star's whole ... thiiiiiinnnnnnnngggggggg.
See ... this novel is based on the Yin-yang idea - that evil and good, light and dark must always always be balanced. And Star was the "darkness" that tipped the scale. And Vincent - my dear sweet Vincent, my love, my favorite character because he represents me ... so much of me - he was caught in it all. You see, he was supposed to be the incarnation of "darkness" but he turned out to be raised amongst morals and love and ... all of that. But he gets sucked into the dark, evil world, doing things against his will, having to grow up so fast ...
And he is captured and made slave/pet of the emperor and ... to brand him, to know that Vincent BELONGS to him, Star carves this insignia into Vincent's abdomen with a poisoned dagger ... so that it will painfully scar and remain there forever ...
Well ...
That mark on my hand.
The Star insignia ... I hadn't thought about it since I was a senior in high school ... and that's almost four years ago.
I made it first by making an S ... then decided that was too corny, so I made it a backwards S ... then decided that was still too obvious ... then made it so the top of the S was a little smaller than the bottom. I gave the top a light flick so it kind of looked like a very small arrow ... and then I put a downward slash in it ... and I decided that this would be the insignia ...
And all day, the mark on the back of my hand has struck me with a bit of familiarity ...
And I didn't realize it, until I stared at the picture for a long while ... and then it suddenly came to me.
That I have the StarClass insignia on the back of my right hand.
How it got there, I don't know. Did I scratch it into myself while I slept? Did some paranormal force tell me that, yes, in the dreams, I am working for the Dark, and am a Dark creature, having gifts beyond that of normal human beings - and gave this to me, through me scratching or perhaps through itself, to tell me that I am Dark. Like in my dreams? That I am Dark? And this was the way that they could finally convey that message to me, in a way that I might understand in the waking world.
I swear to you ... I swear to you people, that I did not do this consciously. I swear it upon my parents' graves.
I've known for some time now that I am destined for something greater.
And if this is it ...
... if this is it, then I want to know what it is, exactly, that I have to do.
What do I have to do?
To be honest, I'm scared.
I am so fucking SCARED right now, that I've realized this, that this mark could, in fact, not just be a random mark, but something more - and mean what I think it means.
What am I supposed to do? I'm scared ...
I wondered ... why it struck me as so ... familiar ...
I know this may sound like crazy talk ... but please, please try to take me seriously. I'm being so serious, and I really am scared ...

all that 80's,opps i mean
"electroclash" music is getting to
you. you are generally fun to be aroung except
on "Joy Division" days or when you
have been listening to to much of the Cure!
So, what kind of Underground kid are you? brought to you by Quizilla
try thinking about it this way ... everyday that goes by is one day closer till u talk to her again. :o)
that's freaky.
personally, i think its a sign. just make sure to interpret it correctly.
oi, what am i saying? if anyone knows how, im sure its you. :]
take care and good luck,