theres a toy alarm clock from my cereal box and it keeps BEEPING!
Went for a ride with Ang and Justin after school, had to pick some back alleys that were occupied by suspicous drivers passing us by. man, couldn't catch a break.
So I came home and waited for time to go by, So dead I just wanted to go to sleep. But I put on clothes and counted down to the most perfect chance I was gonna get, to hop out my window.
There was a guy throwing up in a garbage can at the station, and two spanish speaking guys. I was mezmorized by them, They talk so fast!
I couldn't get hold of ryan, call, call, call. Call morgan, it's 11:11 she's sleepy-dreamy sounding. Call Riley, pass it over to ryan I can't make out what he's saying. wait, wait. Go walking!... take out some of the jar, hang out by this bus parked on the side of the street. Call Ryan, pick up. Score!
Anyways, didn't stay too long. And waited for a train. I swear I saw Ryan Carberry. I walked from Anderson.
Coat over a Sweater over a Hoodie over a T-shirt. and I had my hood up. The Police were patroling and saw me walking along the road. It's 1:30am and they pull over and ask me questions. I guess he thought I was some hoodlum, "it's pretty early in the morning don't you think.? and You shouldn't be out walking around here okay. Do you're parents know where you are? they know you're coming home?" //silent pause// yep. "okay well, I'll give you a ride home Jennifer, but if you are coming home late agian buses don't run past 1 around here, so you should plan to get a taxi or call for a ride. I don't want to see you out here again okay."
what luck. I'm such a man, yeah you better think I'm gonna cause some mischief.
Anyway, he gave me a ride home. He wanted to talk to my parents and "inform them". But I said they'd be sleeping and I've got a key I'm just gonna go in, and go to bed. Whew.
So I went in the back door, fuk I forgot how creaky that thing is.
Home in bed now,
have I ever missed you.