So I'm work right now, on a 45 min break, cause i was forgotten about. Today hasn't been the best. so far, but maybe it'll turn up.
Mom came in and surpirsed me. She perchased some ice cube trays and a bag of chips. She's so cute. Gawd, we said that ALOT to eachother, I wonder what the other customers thought.
Day Turn up! be good, please.
I'm kinda dreading tomorrow, my most upcoming day free. And it's all booked up, with Warp'd tour. Awk and have to get up earlier too. I just want to smoooze. and relax, maybe catch a flick with some priticular someone. perhaps. But NO. oh well, I'll get to see a few bands live that I never seen live Before! So that will make it worth it. Live proformances are so much more thrilling than just a recording.
I screwed up really bad just a little while ago, I punched in a code for this bed linen, and it showed up $1467.30 yikes. awkk, then had to go back and void the whole thing. Darn Till wouldn't work either. I doesn't get me, we can't converse.
Everybody's talkin about Shesha. Mann,.

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