Just got here a few minutes ago.
Killer traffic because of all the new skytrian development.
But The Flight was so cool. It was still dark out when I got on the plane. So when we took off I could see all the little specks (cars) moving up and down these parrallel lines.
When the sun rised it light up the whole inside of the plane in this intense burning orange colour & the clouds outside were all pink. Full Moon too, so bright. It was cool, I snagged a shot.
It's 11:30 now in calgary. 20 more minutes left of this period.

I have to kill time before I can check into the hotel.
check in time: 1:00 and it's 10:33! The plan is to, maybe get a hold of Chae and go for lunch. Man, It's real misserable-looking here. Overkast, and rainy. But at least it's warmer. I got "swab tested" at the air port. What's that? you ask. Well, appearently they randomly choose luggage and take this big pair of black tweezers with a little cloth attached to the end, and She took out my camera and wiped it down, and put it in a machine (very C.S.I-ish) I got my shaving cream confiscated and disposed of. Yeah, I'm a terrorist.
Watch out! Jenn's gonna vanilla dream cream YAH!.
Oh. But I did purposely test the metal detectors. I stuck a quater in my front pocket, a couple pennies with a dime in my backpocket And NO BEEP!.. man I could get away with So much. haha
When your ears pop, it's just like how you hear before you faint.
Like a funnel in each ear.
Bodyworld tonight!