this song is for Nic.

Why is Bass such a hot instrument? Nothing quite like a bass. Well Sitar is pretty sexy too.
think I might save up and buy meslef a bass. Oh. him and i will make sweet sweet music. That is, only after i buy my camera. Gawd i go to the store and stare at if from the glass. yum. Soon it will be mine, to have and to hold. :P
Anyways. Today was the fist day back at school. Nothing to exciting. I had a major coughing fit. No, I'm not getting sick!. Maybe it's like what Gwen says about coughing. and how they're signs for when you had the chance to say something to someone, and you didn't but ya shoulda. hmmm or that your just sick. But, it could possibly have been the first choice.
I mean, i find myself not saying alot of stuff that come to mind, even though i should. Do that all the time. Mainly because I'm nervous for some reason.
I was so shaky today, don't know why. And once I calmd my hands down, then MY LEG start to go!.
So math was pretty much all coughing. Then Science. Saw all the people. talked about British phrases like "Thatch" and "Daisy Chain" tee hee. Yeah, mainly just hung around the corner lab bench with Jordon and Mike. They're so weird. but they make me giggle. So it's supendus.

Then lunch. Can't really remember alot. But the funny part was how Ang and me both had our Cats shirts on and we were walking around together. with Cups of coffee. TWINS. yeah we're so cool.
Just watch out for those two sets of cat eyes walking away, down the hall. :P
Saw Mitchell Alot. Oh! and last night at the resturant, i saw Andrew. I didn't even notice him at first.
Yeah, then Career. I felt kinda crappy about what i said To ryan about his legs. I was such a bimbo, that worded everything wrong. GeeZ. I didn't want to make 'em perinoid about his legs or anything, that's the last thing!. they're cool. anyways.
So Gym next, and as I was walking with Chris I all of a sudden feel this Sharp pain at the back of my knee. I thought it was like one of those tricks people do and they push on the back of your knee, then you Topple over.
So my brain was processing who it could be. I thought it was Rachel. But as i turn my head to see who's behind me to my surprise it was Mike!.
Jenn: "ow.. well what was that for!?"
Mike: "oh sorry."
Jenn: "yeah, what you'd tryin to do!?"
Mike: "well i wasn't suposed to hit your knee. I was trying to kick you in the butt."

Badmiton with Amanda was fun. I talked to Skyler about his Video-jockey-ness. "yah, hi.. I'm skyler I work at Roger's Video".. score!. :P
So after school. I hung out with Ang, Nic and Tessa. Then remember old memories of everyone with Dunkin Roberts and Sandy Cameron. Gosh. Dunkin's been everywhere. Not that i really talked. I was in the zone.
So they left, and I went up to the art room and chatted with Mr. goodman a while about getting some of my art peices back. He stole!
but actually, it turns out that THEY'RE GOING IN THE ART SHOW AT THE END OF THE YEAR!! wow!.
they like me, they really like me!.. lol.
So yea, I was sitting waiting, all by my lonesome. and Mitchell came up, we talked about all sorts of goodies. Then Bumped into ryan -ish agian. At first i didn't see him. (cause my hat. it effects my perifial vision)Anyways, so i wanted to show mitchell the new trick. It was interesting doing it with the hat on. but oh well. Yeah, so did a little. poi and such.
And that was pretty much that.
Got a call, saying my ride was in this parking lot across the street. What a wonky place to park. he did. So i had to go out and find him. That was it's own little adventure in itself.
Today was So Dull!. hope tomorrow's better. But eck. I have to work.
And who knows what's going to be torn down next, (resturaunt renovations)
By the way. those pictures are Mark. Yea he's pretty cute. *winks*. mmm.
like butterscotch.