oh Ray.
So I a timbit this morning, and felt sick until my spare. Sat and listened to a combo of Ray and Jason Mraz. Ryan & Jon on marimba deer, too.
I fell down a flight of stairs today, and as if that's not the embarassing part..
I did it infront of a crowd of people,..wait it gets better. Not any kind of people, But the weird people, you know those weirdo's who hang out in the Gym hallway and dress in black, like they're some kind of generation "Y" magical wizard, talking about comics and such. EWWW!

This Friday is Canmore, I'm in the Shit. I don't know my stuff at ALL. are you kidding me, I can't preform!
I skipped, Chem.
Somedays when I feel like playing hooky, I tuff it out because Nic will be there, and I can chat with m'Bud. But he was sick today. All the more reason to Skip!
So I wanderd around, thinking I'd bumb into Ryan. but not the case.
So I went down to the Band room, and saw all the Grade 10 percussionists.
I took out a pair of sticks, a stand, and a pad and started playing with them.
I'm cool eh?
yeah, well I got to show off, my mad elderly skills to the youngen. haha. NOT.
Geeze, Canmore in Four more days.
Fuk. but... joy.
Ray ♥
(P.S. this time, it's Tessa's version of "ray")

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