So today, originally I was supposed to go over to Jesse's house.
It's 2:25 and that's not really happening, I got all dressed and nice for nothing.
Nothing is probably going to happen today. but oh well. Whatever. I missed him too, but if it's too much of a fuss, to go over there then whatever.
Anyways, My dad left for work agian a little while ago. He called last night. Appearently by law he has to shave of his beard for saftey procautions. He's had scince he was 18. It's pretty big and bushy now.
I've never seen him without a beard. It'll be different.




yeah, anyways. I'm doing NOTHING NOW PHHHHH and it's raining. Well radio, here I come.
and i noticed you dont wear really super tight pants.
and thats why we're friends :love: ♥