I slept in.
Paralized for a couple hours, not wanting to move or get out of bed. I breifly woke at 7 something. To see that my candles were still burning, And music still playing.
Blew them out, Shut it off. And went back to sleep.
When I lost the will power to stay in bed any longer. I headed over to Angela's house. We sang songs, and chatted. But then, things kinda took a turn for the worst, and a little fued broke out.
Got hold of Ryan, and he was real bored. So I ran away. Took the Bus to Deer Ridge, as Angela walked over to m'deer Tessa's house.
I was so cold. Sheesh, couldn't feel my fingers at all. Because of that, I made a Fool out of my self on the bus. HAHA, tad embarassing, but oh well..
Got a call from Nic, as I'm on the bus.
Talking about bowling?
I never heard talk about bowling. So I left him confused, a bit.
Finally no more cold!
pretty much just hung out, the rest of the day.
I explored the world of music
Listened to some ultra cool Buddy Rich & Guess who Vynyl. I love the Guess who. Some real early stuff too.
The Album Ryan's dad drank a whole load of coke To get.
It's the early stuff that makes them sound so pure. haha.
Man I could learn so much! Oh yeah, And Sheesh. Man Are Water beds Ever hard to Manouvre!
What did Jennifer Lose Today!?
- left microphone at Angela's (intentional, so ang can record)
- Forgot Moka Only CD in ryans Mega music player.
- I didn't lose my camera, I just can't find it..
- Ring is still gone.

ooowweelll ...
Can't say i care much ...
Must say Im a little pissed indeed.
But as long as you have fun ..