So yesturday, was a swell day indeed. Tops.
Started off meeting up with Ryan, he freaked me out. It took a while for my brian to process it was him, when I saw him. We took the train to a little park / feild, where we spent the majority of the day playing our guitars, Making Flower chains, Walking on rocks, And rolling down hills.

Decided to go to Super store for some spray paint and see Brady and Christine. Stupid Superstore, they don't even have spray paint, However they have gum for 10 cents. "Sweet deal of the day". Canadian Tire had Spray paint. I got caught riding a bike down an aisle.
Guy:Hey you, You on the bike...
(I look behind)
Guy:Yeahhh, mmm. You're a little to big for that aren't yah?
Fence over Fence and back agian. We Climbed, I killed my toes, and got my butt stuck momentarily.
Cracked open the Spray paint, but these Little people came and yelled at us. So we left.
"Yeah, go away.... And Don't come back!"
oh, ouch. That's a good one, Score! Anyways. After I got home and put my guitar away, I went ovet to Toppler Bowl to meet up With Ang and Nic, Gawd it was crazy hailing. I ran into this little Family run bakery. The WHOLE family was in there. Yelling and freaking out, I could barley hear nic, as I talked to him on the phone.
When The hail sussided, I ran down to Ang's house through the river of a sidewalk. They had a towel all ready for me and everything.
Oh it was good to see them agian. just hung for a while and played the Shopping cart, Joker, Tricker game with Morgan.
"How does she get her foot up there?"
Walked to shell for some coffee and Came back to Listen to
Spoon in Ang's car "Legend"
You see, We sit in stationary cars and listen to tunes.
Then Nic couldn't stay the night. So he rode home. Ang and I rented Rocky Horror Picture Show & Wayne's World.
don't you think it's weird...
wow man that was a haiku!