Just when you think you're free. Your boss calls you and asks if you can work on the weekend.
At least i get to wear jeans. Causual Friday. So, yeah. At least i get to see Alfred. He's fun. He said i was one funny girl. And i made him Gigggle.
In science i laughed so much i started to cry. Mike Spencer is so frickin funny. Well actually it's a combination of him and Jordan. Holy crap. MITOSIS DANCE. hmmm
Today after school, we hung out a little longer than usual. And all these teahcers started showing up. Ang and i thought it would be so awsome if Mrs. Bowen showed up. and guess what SHE DID!.
we ran up to her, and talked about all sorts of old memories.
"a mouse was in the music room...".
then we decided to go and see a flick. not too sure what though. But we got the bus. and ran to the trian. Saw Sara, gawd, i see here every where. Weird.
Anyways, then we went to Cayonmeadows. and waited amlessly in the girls washroom, listening to the music. Nic too.
Then we mirgrated out. and waited aimlessly. Finally Jonah came. but then Nic Dissappeared. FOREVER!
We ended up seeing Hoodwinked. Oh and i saw Andrea. she was seeing Tristan and Isolde. with a significant other? possibly?.
Anyways it was funny.
KEITH! *pudgy cheeks*. tee hee.