Pretty low key day, i must say. Science and Math, were non-challant. At lunch, i asked Mr. Snooch, if he had said anything to Troy about Ang. He said no, but i have an... OH FUCK!.. geeze hahaha, ouch i just spilt hot chocolate on me. Anyways. I have an underlying feeling that he did say something. But at least this way it's out into the universe.
So after lunch, Ang and I Snuck into the play. Second time seeing it. We sat with justin, we haven't seen him in forever. It's funny how much stuff i picked up the second time, than the first. Like i totally get it better now.

I have the same socks as Mr. Snooch/Ryan. I have too many "Snooch" people. When we went into the theatre Nic saw us and started yell out. "SKIPPER". geeze, keep it on the downlow man.
Gawd I love the music at the FOG part!. make me run over and fall on the stage - hottness it is.
Then i went to career and got fondled as apart of the first aid training. oh my.
So tonight. I'm going to the play agian, with Ang and Jordan this time. gonna hang. I just look forward to the Fog part. yum.
So tonight, my mom is getting interviewed by a student at ACAD. appearently my mom inspires her. AWW that's so cute! My mom is Popular among the young artists!, she's like semi-famous. AWWWW, people amdire my mom, yeah that's right. MY MOMMY. man,
