it's friday!. and the begining of spring break. can you believe it. It's here!
Anyways, I'm gonna go out in a bit. with Tessa and Ben.
I think they're having sex. so.. i won't bother them. :P tee hee.
Gonna go see V for Vandetta, i have no idea what it's about. but you know sometimes that happens, I mean the preview wasn't very explanitory. My dad thinks it's silly to see a movie and you don't know what it's about.
Well you go to the movie to find out!. doy., that's my philosofy. I don't even think they should have previews. just posters.
then people would walk along and be like. Oooooh, look at that poster. that's cool, yeah! lets go see THAT movie!!.
Anyways, i found a whole hodgepodge of pictures, thought i'd put someof em on here.