Well lots to tell. It's the begining of school, well sort of but not really, maybe like a couple weeks into it. I'm sharing a locker with Jesse, Tessa and Angela are right beside us. So this term I have Art with kristen, Irma and other people I know, English with practically everyone from R.T, German with christine, Angela, and others., and Social with Craig! he's the only on that really counts, he's my little buddy.
On the first friday of the school year Brady, Christine, Jesse, Nic, Tyler, Angela and I went over to R.T.A. we hung out with teachers. Angela and I yelled weird things in German over the road to Josh on the other side. Brady and Christine disappeared then it was just the 5 of us. We all piled into Phil's car, except for Nic. But he ran along side of the car shmushing chocolate chip zukini cake that we got from my old L.A teacher into the car. Phil yelled at him, but he does that to everybody. On saturday, nic phoned me and asked if he was in trouble with Phil, Angela was sad that she didn't get to talk on the phone with nic. That saturday, Irma, Angela, Kenneth, Mitchell and myself went to go and see The exorsism of Emily rose. Then on Sunday, Jesse, Tyler, Angela and I went to go and see the Brothers grimm (sneezy trees! (:D) Then school came.
Then it was the weekend agian. Myself, Nic, and Angela went over to Tessa's house to play scene it. We stole her candy, and touched each others boobs. Later that day, I invited Angela to come with me to this workshop thing for spirituality. I hope she didn't think I was some kind of crazy. On saturday I went to the workshop, then after I went to East Side Mario's with my muffin, and we went to go see Transporter 2. Sunday came, I went to the workshop. Gwen's so cute. Then after lunch, my mom and I snuck out and I went to go see The Island for the 2nd time with Jesse.
Now we've come to today. Ta da.
I miss lucas

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