AWK Why!?
Why.. Why am I so foolish when 'm around people. Fool of myself.
Gawd I said the most naieve thing at work the other day. And keep tripping over my works.
Well.. while I'm on the taopic of "tripping". You won't believe what I did this morning. I got to school, and was on my way down to go to the washroom. I walked and talked with Irma down the stairs and In a split moment My feet flew out from under me. And I sled-ed down the stairs with my Flip-Flops as my tobogan. Gawd Such a FOOL!. Then I see the one person I thought I could no longer possibly out-fool myself infront of. Geeze I can't catch a break.
We'll maybe I'll perchase a shell and hide away for a while.

I'm totally consumed with My newfound bimbo-ness. FOOL! awk, I even asked this guy in my science class (who I don' know all that well) about my ool problem. GAwd! That was suck a fool thing to do right there. He's gotta think I'm some kinda weird now. Score jenn, good one.
The fact that I found out that Lucas blocked me out of his life now, is just the cherry on this cake of foolish crap.
Why do I do the things that I do.
I'm afriad I've almost lost somepeople in my life, that I'd really rather have around.
Oh deer.

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