So today i went over to ang's earlier than normal on weekends. We hung out for a bit, then we finally decided to get together with Josh and "Tequila". Drove, got Starbucks (Marble Mocha Macitato.) and fogged up the car. i wrote sex all over his windows.
I burnt my thumb on a hot coal. ouch. But Josh has the mother of all burns, it's bubbley too. OWCH!
We walked, ate ginormus fries that flopped around. Saw Tom Vek.... twice. Ang got ice cream in her hair, we stole his dessert, and i freaked out about t.v's in the washroom.
Then Josh left, we were up to our own devices.
Got to talking to Blake and Matt. A glimmer of hope, we planned to meet at starbucks and chat. Unfortunetly Matt missed his bus so.. I bought a journal and a postcard and called it a night.
Mom and i rented a couple FOCUS FEATURE flicks!, gawd i love focus features!!!!. Saw "Ice Harvest" was cool, and weird. But that's how focus is you see. I ♥ Focus!.

i really wanna see a new focus film called BRICK!, looks swank. March 31st. get ready for it. twill be the best.
Darn boys and brown eyes. A guy can't be ugly if they have brown eyes. ..well maybe. but they definetly can't be ugly with brown eyes and an english acent, that's for sure.

So during our time as the mall was closing, we went into the basement bathroom-ish thing. You know, the one with the rediculously harsh lighting, every building has one. gawd it's so ugly. As we were walking up the stairs, i eyed the security gaurd, he had an adorable face. The next thing i know i'm face down on the stairs with my legs tangled in themselves, and my forearm Throbing. Gawd i felt like such an idoidt!, he asked if i was okay.

Gawd Ang just laughed.... I was funny though, considering us talking about "trippin" shortly before. weird how that happens. Today was like the day for signs. She said to "call" and the phone rings, you know stuff like that. Crazy.