Mom's in california..
with the digital camera.
So Today, I bought batteries and a disposable camera and headed out on a bus ride to meet up with Chris, For our
chronic walk-abouts, yeah man.
Man, I spent so much today. FUK $$$$ 200.00 dollars easy. So bad. I'm to weak to temptation, and When I'm distraught it's worse. I buy and buy to will my hidden sorrows away.
P.S. Dear Tessa:
Thankyou so much darling. How I love you so.
When I was utterly frustrated in my moment last night in the early hours of the morning, you where there to talk me through it. Even though, you've heard it all before.
You keep me calm & give me faith.♥

Anywho, to continue.
Chris and I had Falafel, First time for me! at the King of Falafel. Bought lots of music, and jewlery. Whats all that bone jewlery doing to me! SHEESH just one glance upon it and I'm hooked. Must me mine NOW! BONE JEWLERY, cocoanut, mohogany, horn. You name it!
Disposable cameras are funny.
Fell in love with the season of christmas. And the twinkling trees of the city. how lovely.
Walk abouts are the best for a broken soul. indeed.
Look at what I found...