Listening to: the murrmur of people in the computer lab.
Guten-tag. how are 'm dears today?
So I'm in social agian how fun. yeah right. Anyways. I'm sendinf emails to people who are right beside me, it's just how bored I am.
So The Theory of a Dead man conert is tomorrow, Going with Ang for sure. I'm not positive exactly about whats going on with Josh and Cody. but Tessa doens't really want to go anymore. Once Jesse heard there was a ticket up for grabs he was all over it. Tessa didn't really think though, Like Jesse coming probably wouldn't be the best thing. :P
But it's all solved out and figured. whoa.
Tessa like blake. And I guess I safe to put it on here seeing that Tessa doesn't go on here anymore, but the beans were spilt and Blake knows, it's too bad that he has a girlfriend right now. In german he said that he wants to date too. :P awww, maybe Tessa will go on a date with him soon enough.
She's soo cute. It'll be so funny when she haves sex. Mrs. sex sex. mann. I think she loves it.
But I love her too.
and her bum. but of course. :P
I miss angela, well I'll see her in a few minutes. I'm really badly craving CHINESE FOOD!!! yum yum!. anyways, going to go now see you guys later.
