So Today I pretty much, just had a dentists appointment.
I love the drive to the dentists, the houses are so pretty. I think one day I'm just gonna take the bus and visit that oh so magical area. Anyways, Dr. Metzger (My dentist) He brought in his dog, gawd it was so cute. I just wanted to play with the dog.
Yea lets just play with the dog and NOT clean my teeth. mhmm, sounds good.
Talked in German with My Hygenist. pretty swell.

After my appointment I realised that I really had nothing to do today. I was virtually finished everything in my classes. So I would just be sitting bored at school. Mom said I could maybe hang out with Sheri and Gran.
She wasn't feeling verywell, so she didn't go to work either.

Gawd it felt like the weekend. When mom got feeling a little better from her vertigo. We went out for lunch at Swiss Chalet. It was my first time there. I had soup, but m teeth were really sensitive so it wasn't too enjoyable. My Grandma loves that place, but my mom can't stand it.

After our outting, we came back home and Gran And Sheri planted flowers for us. My Parents are totally non-green-thumbers. So we video taped them Grunting and pulling out weeds.