Why hello there.
Don't you hate it when you write a long entry and it doesn't save it for you. Oh well.
So this week has been packed to the max. Lots or work, But with that comes Lots of Alfred.

Aw, he's like a breathe of fun-loving Great smelling fresh air. mmm. yep, he's my gay friend there now. :)
Anyways. My last day of training was on Tuesday, I broke the zipper on my purse.
Then on Wednesday, I had a German exam, and an Ortho appointment. Gran came over, we played some games, then she left & Ang came over for the night. Oh man it was fun, I laughed so much, ouch.
We bought lots of pop, with cookie dough. yum. Caught some footage with my videocamera. We were trying to entertain ourselves and not fall alseep.

So Josh Came over too. We all hung for a while.... then I kicked him out. I was about to pass out form the tired-ness. Angela abandoned me in the bed, and went to sleep on the couch in the living room.
In the morning, Jesse came and crawled in bed with Me, Ang & Tommy. and ate my gran's Chocolate otmeal cookies.
After ang left, Jesse and I spent the whole day together. We had planned to see eachother on friday. But Gawd am I gald we saw eachother on thursday. I hardly even saw him today (friday / saturday). He's working. Awk!. Stupid work. Even though he looks so sexy when he's working. I love 'em so much, Gawd!. I can't cantainer my preserves.
VELVREV!! he's so cute. His hair's getting longer, he looks like a beatle now. He doesn't like it. But I love it!. mmm. 10 months now. I gave him a personalized turtle. Long story. oh well.
Well mom gets back from mexico tomorrow! woo hoo!. fun fun, missed 'er.