how go's it?. So today is the last day of 2005, isn't that exciting. Originally, I planned to go and hang out with Ang, But Jesse phoned me last night, and made me feel guilty about not spending new years with him. I kept thinking about what my mom said about not spending newyears with Jesse when I told her I was doing something with my friends. But eventually, it worked out so that now I'm going over to Dar and Phills, with Jesse, and staying over night so we can bring in the new year together. Of course I'll be wondering, what could have happened with Ang, adn Kristen, oh well. Guess not.
Anyways, so Christmas was pretty fun. I went skating with Irma a couple days ago, totally killed my legs man. ouch, oh well. it was magical though. You know at night with all the stars and lights on the trees and in the buildings downtown. I like how they played music, it made all the difference.

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