Hey man,
So in friday, i went downtown. as you can see.
Then saturday, i wrapped ang's present. and Got ready.
Mom and i have been addicted to movie rentals, so we stopped in at Rogers, before we picked up Irma. Mom wasn't allowed to get SAw, becuase i wouldn't be there to watch it. Picked up irma, in my swank glasses. fuck.
And drove to lloyd's waited in ang's van. it was cold.
gawd everyone was there, holy crap.
And after we went to The Hills Have Eyes, gawd so messed up. It was just plain freaky how josh knew he was jewish. tee hee.
Anyways, went over to ang's. She already had tickets to CAts so it wasn't at suprisaful. Listened to the beatles. and ate chocolate.
.... that's a horror show. HEART PUNCH.
but yeah, i figured out the song that represents me.
Right Here, Right now. By Fatboy Slim.
