It's the middle of the week, thank Ganesh! woo hoo!. Almost the weekend, how exciting. I doubt I'll see Jesse though, I think he's off doing something. Even if he's not, Brad I'm sure, will be needing his buddy-man to play golf. Whatever, I mean in a perfect world I would be able to see him this weekend and .... yeah ....
I miss em, oh! but okay so after Mural painting thing after school today I went into his locker and smelt his gym shorts. Ohhhhhh myyyyy gooood-a-nesssss! his sweat is so frickin sexy, it's like so turn-on-able, his musk is like... whoooooa!, call the abulance I'm gonna faint.
oh oh, and weirdly enough, I had mural painting after school which just happened to be the day I wear my masha's "Mural Mosaic" shirt.... oh! hahahaha, funny story about that too. Okay so Jesse went to this Night of Artists thing, so he knows about the Mural Mosaic thing, so when he saw my shirt he was like "oh hey! you're wearing your mural (MOSE-EYE-ECK) ... in stead of saying it like (MOSE-AY-ECK).. hahahaha, anyways but then that got onto this whole "bagel" thing and how to properly say bagel. This guy Nic (who calls me hippie jenn, and I call him Red Nic, hehehe,"RED NIC") ... anyways he was the only one who actually got it right, and he wasn't even in the center of it ... so to make sure how to say it properly, Brady and Jesse and (blah, eck, gag)Ben R. go to find out the pronouciation in this big-ness dictionary in the library.
That wasn't to entertaining so I wonderd off the the computer part of it, and talked to this guy Chris J. I was telling him about the Bagel thing, and freakishly simultaniously we go BaYgel BaGgel BagAl, really really fast, it was like our own little language for a bit. ... Oh! and in social today, omg! he scared me so bad I started to cry, ... I was talking to this guy Craig, and sneak-eshly, Chris goes into my pencil bag thingy, and finds this paper I was doodling on... and writes a sentence from it on to his paper and positions it on my desk so that I'll notice it. Now the thing he wrote down was something only I would know, like it was something I made up kinda, like a saying I said when I was hyper, and maybe only one other person might know, and they weren't even in my class at the time. So when I read it out, I FREAKED OUT like "HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT!, WHERE DID YOU GET THAT!". He just laughed his ass off, and thought he was soooo clever, and was being really vauge and not telling me where he found it. Finally I got it out of him, but omg! it was soooo freaky, I started to cry. :P
anywho, have fun peoples,
thaht was too long to read ill read it later
ben told me you like it when jesse sweats...gross =PP
anyhow, have fun.
i think.
: P