I Finally talked to Jesse about what happened on Friday.
He's still in Penticton.
But I got the chace to clear up how I wazs feeling. Appearently, my sarcasim triggerd Jesse to give sarcism back. he was trying to be funny about the "What so now I'm not allowed to like anyone"-thing. Thank Gawd.
and the Mikasa thing, about still liking her. He said that it would never be enough to separated us, and for me to remember what is was like to have a first crush and how those feelings were before we met each other, so sometimes those feelings cross over. But in the back of our minds.
How ever not enough to break a relation ship.
I felt a lot better after talking with him.
He felt really bad for me thinking what I had thought. :P
Oops, now I have to do Damage control. :P
Anyways, today I got this card from him in the mail. So cute. He sent it before he left so that I wouldn't be so lonley.
He knows how badly I deal with departure-ness.

Sorry, false alarm