We didn't have a snow day today which doesn't really make me feel...upset...really. We've got about 3 inches of snow...maybe even 4 so all throughout the day, my school was calling things off for events after school...but not actual school itself. As the day went on, it made more sense to keep us in school because the conditions weren't really letting up and it would be really stupid of the board to let us out when the blizzard was it's worst. So we got out at the regular 3:20 time. Meh...I'm indifferent.
I talked with Ford a lot last night online. It was so funny. I showed him the mother of all scary sites. albinoblacksheep.com. the subliminal message one. It is the creepiest thing you will probably ever see in your life. ...I don't know about that last one. Maybe I should invite Kafka, Andersen, Gothier and Ford over and watch some movies tomorrow if we have a snow day. That would be so cool.
Dinner calls my name..but I'm actually not hungry. I haven't been for the past 4 days now. I think whatever Stacey had has rubbed off. Before she ever said something to me about anything that was going on, I was starting to lose my appetite as well....weird how much sisters are a like.
I think I'm going to get started on my homework incase there is school tomorrow. Later.
Glad my interior decorating skills are starting to pay off.