Who 's Your Inner Sexy Cartoon Chick ?
brought to you by Quizilla I just thought that was kinda cute....minus the sexy part. I was quite bored and thought I might post it. Band is really quite fun, but my feet hurt so much from glide stepping. I think I roll my feet on the outside too much because that's where it hurts the most. lol, It's like I'm going around walking on the inside of me feet they hurt so much. Now I'm just trying to stay off of them as much as possible. Today is our last day *victory dance*. No more waking up early and marching for 9 hours a day. Just when school starts, I'll have to wake up even earlier. The price to pay is very small for the great results. Brian is such a fun guy to talk to. Seriously, he can make me laugh about anything. We're having a picnic today at Walnut Creek that I just heard about today from 7-9, and it would be really great if we could get some people from North to come along, and it would be sweet if Brian could come. But he'll be pretty tired so that's probably a no. It would just be a nice suprise to see him there. I got sunburnt on my back so badly today, it really does hurt now. But I'm most tan now, just a little pink, but it's more brown than red...which is good. I'm happy I'm finally tan, but lol, this really hurts. I'm going to go take a nap, I'm really tired from today, but I'll write about how the picnic went.